Still experimenting with photographic pendants, in this installment of Summer Studio, come see the bits and pieces on my clay table, along with some of the other creative things I’ve got going on.
Read More: Summer StudioStill experimenting with photographic pendants, in this installment of Summer Studio, come see the bits and pieces on my clay table, along with some of the other creative things I’ve got going on.
Read More: Summer StudioI’ve been working on a little something. It spent a lot of time just living in my head, turning around, being mulled over, re-inventing itself, until I finally took action this week. It’s not entirely finished yet, but here’s a little sneak peek: I’ve got some research and refining to do, but once I’m ready, […]
Read More: Summer Studio Sneak PeekI finished both of the projects I showed you on my first Summer Studio post a few weeks ago, so how about a peek at what I’m working on now? I had a very specific quilt project in mind when I bought these fabrics recently, but circumstances may have changed since then. I’m not sure […]
Read More: Summer Studio, look twoHeather at Beauty That Moves is hosting a little series wherein participants share glimpses of their works in progress during these Summer days. It sounded like a nice idea to me, particularly since nothing is actually getting completed around here lately… This is what I’m doing in my spare time: A baby sweater. Making the […]
Read More: Summer Studio