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Fun with sheets

I’m so happy we did this sheet swap. Besides the obvious benefit of having a nice stack of vintage textiles that I didn’t have to scour the thrift shops to find, there’s the enjoyment of seeing what other people are doing with my sheet.

First, there was me, and my Fast & Cheap Skirt Tutorial:

New skirt

Then, there was Penny, who added stripes to the bottom and turned it into a completely different style. We can’t see it here, but I’ll bet she’s wearing a cool hat with this outfit:

Floral bedsheet skirt

And in the Having More Fun With a Piece of Fabric Than Anyone Thought Possible department is Nikki. I want my skirts to make me this happy:

Jumping for Skirty Joy

Isn’t this fun? Same crazy 70’s sheet, three different looks. It makes me want to wear mine tomorrow – too bad the weather is going to be lousy all week – chilly and/or rainy. At least it’s going to warm up for Memorial Day Weekend. Which reminds me, I have to call my parents and talk them into having a BBQ on Monday – it’s the only way I ever get my favorite meal of grilled hot dogs these days 🙂


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5 thoughts on “Fun with sheets

  1. Man, this makes me wish I knew how to sew… and that I wore skirts… Who knew a sheet could me made into three gorgeous skirts?

    1. If you can get your hands on a sewing machine, you should give it a try sometime! It is a lot easier than I would have thought a year ago (before I bought my machine and a couple of excellent books).

  2. Hey, that’s me! And yes, in fact, I do wear that with a cool hat.

    I’ve been fantasizing all week about my swapbacks–I know what I want to do (when the time comes), now the question is, can I? We shall see….

    1. Looking forward to it – you are so creative! I was tempted to send you one of the solid sheets to see what you would do with it.

  3. […] Cottage.  I was in love with the place, which is full of crafts, tutorials, and life.  It had a perfect skirt tutorial that I tried and it worked out […]

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