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365 feet and other thoughts

Strictly-speaking, it’s actually 730 feet, but who’s counting?

1/365 01/01/2008

I spent a long time yesterday wrestling the feeds in my Google Reader into submission, and by the end of the day, I had zero (yes, ZERO) unread feeds. Woo hoo! [I’m back up to 466 today, but let’s not go there…]. One of the posts I read yesterday was by Karyn who mentioned getting a new camera and getting involved in Project 365. There are several Project 365-like groups on Flickr, and I’ve often thought of getting involved in one. The problem is one of commitment. Frankly, as excited as I may be about taking a picture every day for a year, I think I’d be phoning it in by somewhere around mid-March. But the One Object 365 Days Project caught my eye, because the idea is to take a picture every day of the same thing. Every day. The same thing. You are allowed to move the object into different settings, if you wish, but the main subject of the picture has to be that object. I’ll give you one guess what my object is.

2/365 01/02/2008

Hey, what can be better than feet?? They’re portable, so I can still take a picture of them when I am away from home. They’re embellishable with socks, shoes, nail polish, and toe rings. And I never have to tear apart the house to find them icon_biggrin-flickr-1-7

So, if you are a flickr contact of mine, get ready for an onslaught of foot pictures. I hope I can keep my interest up for a whole year!

In other news, I have spent today going through all of the email and orders that accumulated while I was on vacation – no small task, let me assure you. I haven’t processed any of the orders or payments, but I’ll be starting that tomorrow. I should be able to begin shipping early next week. Sooner, if I’m lucky.

One challenge I face is the inventory situation. I know I said it was going to be my after-Christmas project, but… I don’t know what happened to me this year. Instead of jumping into a work project like I do every year, I spent most of the week lazing about doing the absolute minimum I could get away with. Guess I needed the rest more than usual. That’s not such a bad thing, except for the fact that I now need to use my inventory, and some of it is piled up very inconveniently. Additionally, I need to reorder some items, which I didn’t want to do until I’d had a proper inventory recount. I’m out of lazy mode, thankfully, and ready to get on with that stuff, but it’s complicated by the fact that it’s no longer vacation time. I have demands on my time that weren’t there last week. Time to re-evaluate my plan of attack, I think…

It’s gotten late, and I’ve got to get my feet up to bed. They need their beauty sleep for tomorrow’s photo shoot 😉


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Posted on 12 Comments

12 thoughts on “365 feet and other thoughts

  1. Yippee!!! Someone else who’s crazy enough to commit to Project 365 (or a variation thereof). I look forward to seeing your feet, all 730 of them!

    1. Well, it’s day four and the thrill still hasn’t worn off. I felt a little silly snapping a picture of my feet in Trader Joe’s but I did it anyway 🙂

      How’s it going for you? Are you posting your pictures on flickr?

  2. Heh. I’m glad other people do this. I’m lucky I can remember to do any single thing every day. Well, personal hygiene aside – that’s absolutely necessary.

    I see your posts about Google Reader. Must. . .not. . .get. . .Google. . .Reader. I spend too much time at the computer as it is!

    1. See, what you need to do is join the group I have and make the object be your toothbrush. You can remember to set up an artful shot while you brush 😉

  3. feet eh? imagine that. If I didn’t know better I would say you have a foot fetish 😀

    1. Shhh. Don’t tell anybody 😉

  4. You make me smile … I love the 730 project … I think it’s going to be a good one.

    1. Thanks! I’m having fun with it – I’ve been finding myself wondering where my feet can take me each morning.

  5. Oh how fun.

    This is a great excuse to go shoe shopping-because darn it we can NOT have re-feets! (heh-crack myself up).

    I have a few feet pictures, when my husband and I were dating our feet did the *amelie* thing, taking pictures of our feet at landmarks when we were on trips.

    Sounds like great fun!
    good luck!

    1. Absolutely! I’m actually quite surprised that I haven’t re-feeted yet. I usually wear the same two pairs of shoes over and over and over…

  6. I LOVE that you’re doing the 365 day project with pictures of your feet! THat kills me

    1. Heh. I amuse myself, too 🙂

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