In the Encyclopedia of Me, D is for Dr. Pepper – the only Doctor I’d willingly visit every day… And that’s really all I need to say about that, isn’t it? Mmmmmm.
I have been a walking ball of stress all day. I slept poorly last night, which I’m sure didn’t help, and when I got up this morning, the one task I really needed to finish all day just seemed daunting. As any regular reader here knows, I hurt myself a week ago and couldn’t pack/ship orders. I’m fine now, perfectly capable of getting the orders done, but it took so long that I ended up with twice the number of packages that I am usually able to do in one sitting. And I needed to get them done before mail pickup at 11:30-ish. Yeah. Right.
I didn’t make it. I got all of the Priority Mail packages done by around 2:00 and the boys and I dragged them to the post office ourselves, so at least those are out. When we got home, we took a little Pepper Milk break (son #1’s invention – half milk, half Dr. Pepper – the boys love it, but I like my Dr. Pepper unadulterated, thankyouverymuch), followed by a Roll Around on the Bed Tickling and Giggling break, and then son #1 decided to help me get the rest of the orders packed up. What a good kid. All of the First Class and Media Mail envelopes are stuffed now, and all that remains is for me to charge credit cards and print/apply postage. Whew. I feel relieved. I’m going to feel even more relieved when I place that last label on that last package and drag it to the front door, though
Anyway, I am feeling somewhat better now. In part, because the packing nightmare is nearly over, partly because it was fun taking 10 minutes to kid around with the kids, and partly because I got a little treasure in the mail today.
I have been admiring block party press‘ jewelry ever since I first noticed it on flickr. In an earlier post, I alluded to a project I was having trouble completing. When I saw the possibilities pendant, I knew exactly what I wanted. I asked if she could make a few changes, and do it with an olive green background with a soft pink flower, and as you can see, she did! Aren’t these beautiful? I ordered the large bead, but she also sent me all of these extra goodies. So sweet. I can’t wait to finish my project and post a picture of it. You’ve really got to check out her etsy shop – everything is even nicer in person, and I thought it was pretty great in the photos already
Neil’s working late tonight, and the kids are downstairs right now watching FarScape. I think I’m going to join them and have a little sci-fi snuggle time on the couch before I have to make supper. Looks like D is also for Decompression
I ditto the Dr. Pepper remarks. Dr. Pepper has been my main squeeze for as long as I can remember. The only time I am unfaithful is when I drink coke…and that’s only when it has captain morgan’s in it. 🙂
Hi! I noticed that you post regularly on Nikki’s blog, and thought I’d come for a visit. Love your blog! Your writing is so conversational! I’ll be back to visit again soon.
Christie – Heh, I never really got into rum & coke, but I do appreciate it with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream 🙂
Laura – Welcome! I recognize your name from Nikki’s blog, too. I just poked around your etsy shop – cute stuff! ice to meet you 🙂
Thanks for posting about the beads and linking to my shop. I am glad you liked them. Dr. Pepper and Milk? Who knew?
Oh, I really love them! And I just made my anklet last night – I’ll post about that today. Thanks again 🙂