Well, I may have been able to pace myself, sweater-knitting-wise, for most of the project, but once that first sleeve was completed and the end was in sight, I was on a mission to finish. Thank goodness for three day weekends, and the ability to spend hours upon hours with the pointy sticks. I finished knitting […]
Read More: My Tweedy Tea LeavesTag: melissa labarre
It’s finished! It’s finished! It’s finished!
aaaaand, it’s going to be 80+ degrees by this afternoon. Harumph. So I probably won’t be wearing my new Tea Leaves Cardigan today, but I’m happy to know it’s finished and ready to go, as soon as the warm+muggy stuff leaves and the crisp+cool stuff returns. I guess I needn’t have worried about finishing in […]
Read More: It’s finished! It’s finished! It’s finished!Knit like the wind
I’ve been listening to past episodes of Brenda Dayne’s Cast-On podcast lately. The podcast opens with a male voice urging, “knit! knit like the wind!” I get a chuckle out of that every time, mainly because my own knitting experience is usually anything but urgent. I limit my knitting time to an hour or two […]
Read More: Knit like the wind