Despite the name of this place, I don’t have a whole lot of polka dots in my wardrobe. But every once in a while I acquire some, and I always think they’re so much fun. This week, I got myself a new pair of sunglasses, and yep. They have polka dots on them.
These are not your everyday sunglasses. In fact, when I put them on, I just couldn’t see wearing them with my usual t-shirt. These suckers demand a slinky black dress. Or a black knit fit-and-flare dress. Or jeans and a lacy black tank. Basically anything black. They require me to wear black, and probably red lipstick too. This is not really a sacrifice for me 😉
Also, I am happy to report that I dealt with last week’s unhappy hair issue, and as a result I have been happy all week. It’s a little ridiculous how much of my mood is wrapped up in having a good hair day, but what can I say? I have actually gotten a lot better about this through the years. Nowadays a single bad hair day doesn’t bother me too much. It’s when I have a long string of them that I become miserable. And let me tell you, I had about a month-long blah streak before I finally gave in and headed to the salon.
Anyway. It’s all good now. You can tell I am happy when there are three selfies in one week, LOL!
So, what is This Week in Pictures?
It’s a roundup of the photos I shot for my Project 365 (one image each day for all of 2015), plus some everyday-life snapshots I posted on Instagram during the previous week.
Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…
365: 2015 122/365 – Got a haircut. And my eyebrows waxed. Feeling much better 🙂
365: 2015 123/365 – I’m crocheting a blanket in my pajamas, watching a Craftsy photography course, and taking pictures for the class. Not pictured: also enjoying my morning coffee 🙂
365: 2015 124/365 – Monday: home from school with a fever.
365: 2015 125/365 – Tuesday night: 30g of snack crackers.
365: 2015 126/365 – I hate yellow jackets. There’s a piece of glass between me and this one.
365: 2015 127/365 – Tomorrow the donation truck comes, and I get back this corner of my bedroom.
365: 2015 128/365 – So, totally by accident, my eyewear matches my drinking straw.
Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr.
I may already have plans to blog about some of these things in greater detail over the coming week, but be sure to leave a comment if there’s something in particular you want to know about!
Those glasses are so you Lisa!
Thanks, Denise 🙂 I’ve been having fun with them!
I LOVE those sunglasses and the new hair style is very cute! 🙂
Thanks, Jamie!!
The crochet is so pretty!! Circles are so fun to do! 🙂
And between the new haircut and sunglasses, you’re looking very glamorous! Love it! 🙂