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It’s clay week

275/365: Oct 2 - The week in handle-making

This is the week I have set aside for completing your custom orders. (Ordering closed on Monday) I find that a nice, do-able workload for me is about six hooks per day. At that pace, I have time to craft the handles in the morning and then work on other responsibilities while they cure.

274/365: Oct 1 - Six hooks in progress

After lunch, I spend time in the finishing phase – sanding through five grits of sandpaper, and then buffing them to a high shine. I’m realizing, actually, that I spend just as much time finishing the hooks as I do putting the handles on. That’s kind of a shame, since finishing is my least favorite part.

273/365: Sep 30 - Making a lot of hooks this week. Finishing the first batch.

If you ordered crochet hooks or loom tools from me, know that I am working on them this week. Some orders may find their way into next week, depending on whether I can pick up my pace a bit. I may be able to stretch to nine hooks per day. Or maybe not – I’ve got kids home with colds, and I kind of can’t ignore them. Not completely, anyway. Sometimes I have to stop and play a game, or listen to a story. That, of course, is no hardship at all, but it does impact productivity a bit. Just so you know.

02 hooks

Those of you who missed out on custom ordering? Don’t worry – I haven’t closed the shop completely. You are still welcome to order anything that is still in stock. And while I really can’t commit to another few weeks of filling custom orders, I do expect to sit down at the table and make a batch of hooks or loom tools now and then before Christmas. I’ll add these to the shop as I make them. If you have any special requests for sizes, just leave a comment here. I’ll try to make what seems most popular!


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Posted on 12 Comments

12 thoughts on “It’s clay week

  1. l love your crochet hooks so much. I can just imagine having a complete set in all different combinations of colors of polka dots. It would be a dream. Someday… Currently crocheting an owl cap for my littlest grandgirl. Fun.

    1. Thanks! Maybe someday that set will happen 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing all of your adventures. It would be great to hear more tips about clay work and what you are doing with it!

  3. […] little one-on-one time with each kid seemed to be in order), trying to pick up some of the slack in my custom order progress (halfway there, folks! really, really trying to have the last hooks in the mail by Friday!), and […]

  4. Can’t wait to see what’s in the shop for ordering I’ve been dieing for my husband to order me some as christmas gifts. I’d love to have some spunky new needles to start up my business with! These are way cool!

  5. thanks for the email, lots of eye candy, very pretty.

  6. Do u have any size G left. The clay handles r so cute

    1. Thanks for the complement 🙂 I don’t have more Gs at the moment, but I hope to list another batch sometime in the next few weeks. I’ll announce it on my blog if/when that happens!

  7. I would love some of your loom tools. Can you tell me when some may be available?

    Thank You

    1. I have plans to make some things for the shop this week. When they’re available, I’ll post it here. The best way to keep informed is to continue checking the blog, or subscribe to my Handmade News monthly newsletter (scroll down that page a bit). It comes out on the 15th of every month. Thanks for your interest!

    2. I made a few loom tools – not many, I’m afraid, but hopefully you’ll like one of these!


    It’s clay week | Polka Dot Cottage

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