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Quick Knits for the Menfolk, part two


I seem to be going in reverse age order with these.  Today’s quick knit is another hat, this time for Aidan.  Aidan is nearly 12, a sixth grader, and he is of the opinion that when it comes to hats, “simpler is better.”


So, no cables for this one.  Just simple ribbing on the brim, and easy knitting the rest of the way.  He approved the pattern, and he picked the color, which is more alive with greens and blues than it appears in these photos.  (I blame the ugly lighting in my family room.)

Aidan is a pleasure to knit for, because he knows how to show enthusiasm for the finished product.  There was no cajoling to get him to put on the hat and pose, no pleas for him to stay still (unlike some younger brothers I could mention).  He just put it on, told me he loved it (yes, loved [what a good boy]) and went back to his homework, while I got all paparazzi-like on his head.


I really have to finish making him that sweater I started back in September (oh, my! has it been that long?)…

The details

PatternSeaman’s Cap

Modifications: None

YarnMalabrigo Rios in Aguas


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Posted on 5 Comments

5 thoughts on “Quick Knits for the Menfolk, part two

  1. Blogging: Quick Knits for the Menfolk, part two #knitting #hats #makingforboys #seamanscap

  2. Oh, I love it! He’s the same age as my Nicky, and having so many men/boys to knit for, it’s hard to decide on patterns. Thanks for sharing with us! Off to queue it up…

    1. It really is hard to knit for men/boys… I’m glad to have found patterns my two boys like. The husband is another story altogether… still not having any luck with that one! 😉 Enjoy the hat!

  3. Thanks for sharing this hat pattern and the yarn you used. It came out beautifully.

    1. Thank you!

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