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Better late than never?


We saw some turkey fabric last month, while we were killing time at a Jo-Ann’s in Maryland, and Eamonn asked if we could buy some for pajama pants.  Eamonn was four years old, last time I made him seasonal pj pants.  Aidan was seven.  And now, four years later, Eamonn has long outgrown his own pants and can barely wear Aidan’s hand-me-downs.  One more growth spurt, and nobody around here will own mama-made pj’s anymore.

That’s a little sad to me, so I was all too happy to buy him the turkey fabric.  When we arrived back in New Jersey, I pre-washed the fabric, folded it neatly next to the sewing machine, and promptly forgot all about it.

Tonight, I spotted it, peering out at me from under a pile of miscellany that had sprung up over the course of the last month.  Well, shoot.  I had missed making the turkey pants in time for Thanksgiving.  Lucky for me, Eamonn is the type of guy who has no qualms about wearing Santa pjs in July or Halloween pants on Easter.  Turkey pants after Thanksgiving is over? No problem!


For a pattern, I traced a pair of well-fitting lounge pants.  Sadly, I neglected to add enough extra fabric at the top to make a good casing for the elastic, and the resulting pants looked somewhat, er, wedgie-inducing.  I asked Eamonn about it. At first, he tried to spare my feelings and said they were fine, but when I pressed him, he said, (and I quote) “they kind of hurt when I scratch my butt, and that will probably be a problem because I scratch my butt a LOT.”

Boys, eh 😉

Thank goodness the pattern on these pants is crazy-busy, because it let me get away with doing a little surgery.  I pretty much just sliced across the top of the pants, cut off the first three inches, and then reconnected the two pieces by way of a two-inch wide strip.  It’s completely inelegant, but he isn’t particularly concerned with elegance (see butt scratching comment above), and it’s only really noticeable if you’re looking for it.

I have enough fabric left to make Aidan a pair, so once again I will be able to tuck my matching mama-made pj-wearing boys into bed at night.  At least until the next growth spurt.  Oh, they just grow so quickly, don’t they?? sigh


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Posted on 8 Comments

8 thoughts on “Better late than never?

  1. Wish I had thought of those pajama pants! By the way those crochet hooks are the bomb! Have a great Saturday!

    1. Thanks! And re: the pants, there’s always next year 🙂

  2. “they kind of hurt when I scratch my butt, and that will probably be a problem because I scratch my butt a LOT.” Gotta love boys, especially smart, sensitive boys. Ya gotta keeper there, missy! Too sweet.

    1. You don’t have to tell me – he’s a constant source of entertainment (and snuggles)!

  3. I spent 2 hours in line at Jo-Ann’s yesterday to get the $1.49 flannel for the grandkids’ Christmas pajamas. Actually since I’m still recovering from the knee replacement, my daughter-in-law stood in line and I sat in a soft chair in the mall! The grandkids absolutely wouldn’t think it was Christmas unless I made their PJ’s. Gotta make men’s sizes for the big boys this year.

    Love the butt scratching comment! Having raised 3 boys I understand completely!

    1. Two hours? Wow! I think I need to make us some Christmas PJs this year – we got a lot of mileage out of the ones I made four years ago, but the kids have both outgrown them at this point.

      I hope your knee is healing well.

  4. Oh! what lovely fabric and just perfect for pants. They look great.

    1. Thanks, Ann. He’s been wearing them for a week, and I made a pair now for his brother, too.

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