Posted on 80 Comments

Preparing for the coming Snowmaggedon

What does your husband do the night before a snow storm? I’ll show you what mine does:

The building begins


Putting on the finishing touches

Yes, it's a Dalek

Yeah.  It’s a Dalek.  And just because it wasn’t nerdy enough the way it was…

Light-up ears

He added lights.

Tomorrow it will probably be covered in a foot of new snow.  I just hope we don’t need our plunger or our whisk anytime soon…

P.S. There is a history of crazy things showing up on our lawn when it snows…


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Posted on 80 Comments

80 thoughts on “Preparing for the coming Snowmaggedon

  1. You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  2. RT @clarkesworld

    You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  3. Absolutely love this!! Your family has good taste in TV shows. 🙂
    .-= See Tanya’s latest blog post: FAWMville =-.

    1. Heh. Yeah. We’re kinda nerdy that way. And so many other ways, as long as we’re being honest 😀

  4. MISC: RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  5. That is frackin’ AWESOME! I wish I’d thought of it.
    .-= See Cara Powers’s latest blog post: Waiting tables is a lot like covering the ER . . . =-.

  6. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  7. You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  8. RT @lclarke522: Preparing for the coming Snowmaggedon (excellent!)

  9. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the Snow Dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  10. RT @JohnAnealio: Awesome Snow Dalek: via @clarkesworld

  11. SO awesome! Love the nerdiness!

  12. That’s awesome. 🙂

    The only problem is, you can actually see the ground in front of your house. This means you obviously don’t have enough snow. Feel free to come down and take some of ours, because we’re in the process of getting another foot or so on top of the two that got dumped on us last weekend.

    1. Yeah, we lucked-out with the last two storms, but tomorrow it’s going to hit us bigger. It’s already coming down out there, and school has already been canceled.

      You must be really tired of the snow by now!

  13. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  14. Bahahahaha! You’ve seen the whole Flickr group dedicated to Dalek birthday cakes, I assume.
    .-= See Penny’s latest blog post: Burns Night =-.

    1. No, but thank you for that! There’s a soon-to-be 10-year-old in this house who would probably love a Dalek cake. Too bad my cake-making skills are not up to Neil’s snow-sculpting skills.

  15. Love it.
    .-= See Wendy’s latest blog post: Week Six: Basic Baby Mitts =-.

  16. 😀 RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  17. BEST. SNOWMAN. EVAR. RT @JohnAnealio: Awesome Snow Dalek: via @clarkesworld

  18. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  19. RT @Renovationsf: MISC: RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  20. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  21. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  22. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  23. *ggg*… great job on the Dalek – I can hear him shout “exterminate!!!”
    Looking forward to the next season and the new doctor….
    .-= See Bettina’s latest blog post: Polymer Clay Spektakel 2010 in Bad Homburg =-.

    1. Me too, but I really liked David Tennant. He’s going to be a hard act to follow.

      1. yes – Tennant was amazing – but When they switches from Eccleston to Tennant I thought the same thing. Well, I loved Tennant more – he was sooo cute and funny. We’ll see – new season will start soon…
        .-= See Bettina’s latest blog post: Polymer Clay Spektakel 2010 in Bad Homburg =-.

  24. @lynchland Did you see this?

  25. RT @aiela: RT @clarkesworld: Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  26. heehee! a snow Dalek! i love it! /via @fadingstarlite

  27. RT @riznphnx: BEST. SNOWMAN. EVAR. RT @JohnAnealio: Awesome Snow Dalek: via @clarkesworld

  28. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  29. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  30. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  31. RT @JohnAnealio: Awesome Snow Dalek: via @clarkesworld

  32. Brilliant!

  33. ey that is so cool:)
    .-= See sofie’s latest blog post: =-.

  34. my dad was a master snow creature builder. the best was an 8′ tall gorilla. and he used food coloring, too. thanks for the memories.
    .-= See KarenLR’s latest blog post: one love, one heart…* =-.

    1. Wow! I can’t imagine building a snow creature that tall.

  35. I want to make a snow Dalek!!!

  36. That’s awesome!!! Nerdy men are the best!!!
    .-= See wendy’s latest blog post: failure is always an option – days 5-8 =-.

  37. What an imagination–anyone can build a “regular” snowperson!!

  38. RT @clarkesworld: You asked for it. Photos of the snow dalek. Special bonus: My wife's witty commentary.

  39. RT @thegingerpire I want to make a snow Dalek!!! <— that is simply awesome…

  40. RT @thegingerpire: I want to make a snow Dalek!!!

  41. RT @thegingerpire: I want to make a snow Dalek!!!

  42. Love it! We need more snow daleks – a whole army of ’em! 😉

  43. Neil Clarke built a snow-Dalek. Okay, fine – he's geekier than me. #clarkesworld

  44. The Snow Dalek is kinda creepy. (Polka Dot Cottage)

  45. I won't spoil the surprise, but suffice it to say this is totally awesome: (via @jdfalk)

  46. “He added lights.”

    I hurt myself laughing at that one.

  47. Dalek made out of snow: *How I wish it snowed in Texas so I could make one! #drwho

  48. EX-TER-MIN-ATE! RT @cecycorrea: Dalek made out of snow: *How I wish it snowed in Texas so I could make one! #drwho

  49. Dalek made out of snow: (via @justjon) full of nerdy win.

  50. RT @embereye: Dalek made out of snow: (via @justjon) full of nerdy win.

  51. RT @embereye: Dalek made out of snow: (via @justjon) full of nerdy win.

  52. RT @butterflyblob: RT @embereye: Dalek made out of snow: (via @justjon) full of nerdy win.

  53. Ex-snow-min-ate! #snowman #dalek #doctorwho

  54. Saw this on your blog in my reader, first, but just saw in Boing Boing, too. Nice!

  55. Here's the genesis of that:

  56. Woooo Nice Snow Dalek!! RT @Vol_Hydrogen: @lynchland

  57. That snow-dalek's awesome! RT @lclarke522 Nobody complained about our naked Dalek last month

  58. RT @njdotcom: That snow-Dalek's awesome! RT @lclarke522 Nobody complained about our naked Dalek last month #drwho

  59. I’m browsing through your blog, checking out old posts, and just have to say the Dalek is about the coolest thing I’ve ever seen made out of snow in my entire life. Ever. Your husband gets serious kudos in my book!! I am amazed and yes, geeking out a little (and semi-jealous that I didn’t think of it first!)

    1. Heh. Yes, well, it’s safe to say that there’s rarely a dull moment around here, geeking-out-wise 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it!

  60. […] back, now, to popping Cold-Eze and geeking out on all of the fun places online that Neil’s Snow Dalek has traveled since I posted it – the number of Twitter mentions and trackbacks on that post […]

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