Whatever would we do without Netflix? Well, we certainly wouldn’t be introducing our children to old episodes of The Monkees. And by extension, I most definitely would not be knitting a green wool hat with a pom-pom on top for my older son.
But, we do have Netflix, and we have been renting The Monkees, and Aidan did ask me to make him a Mike Nesmith hat. And, really, who am I to say no to such a request? It’s not like these boys are clamoring for handmade goodies from their mother all that often these days…

The details
- Pattern: improvised k1 p1 rib with a double-strand of yarn
- Loom: 36-peg Green Knifty Knitter
- Yarn: Cascade 220 Superwash Color #1918
It’s not perfect – if I had it to do again, I would probably use a bulkier wool, and I would move up to the larger yellow loom, so that I didn’t have to stretch the hat too much when blocking it.
Still, he likes it, which is what counts. Now he’s asking for a red shirt with white buttons on the front to complete the look. If I dig out my old guitar from the basement, it could be a Halloween costume. And as long as we’re thinking ahead, I suspect this
I came across this fun little video while researching the hat. Thought you might enjoy it. Happy Friday!
This is awesome! I was zipping through my Reader, and saw him in the hat and instantly thought, “Gee! That looks like a Mike Nesmith hat!” Fantastic!
When I was in elementary school, MTV ran a weekend-long marathon of The Monkees episodes. We recorded every single episode … on BETA videotapes. :-O We had them forever, and watched them over and over. I need to go check them out on Netflix now …. 🙂
.-= See Rachel’s latest blog post: The interview in which I dork out. =-.
Well, I hope Netflix has multiple copies because they’re all at my house right now, hahahaha! 🙂
So glad the hat looks like it was intended to look! I totally see a Monkees Halloween in our future. I hope he agrees, because suddenly I’m full of ideas. I’m *never* full of Halloween ideas.
Okay, but you all need to run around at double-speed while groovy music plays. (Which, btw, is also the MO of the Wiggles. And Scooby and the Gang, too. Hmmm.)
.-= See Penny’s latest blog post: Slapende vrouw in strandstoel / Sleeping woman in beach chair =-.
Wonder which Monkee I should be. Eamonn should be Davy, but I’m too smart to be Peter and way too pretty to be Micky… hahahaha!
He’s definitely got that Mike Nesmith vibe going on. Heck, he’s even got the hair right! Now he needs to practice “Papa Jean’s Blues” (sp?) one of my fave Nesmith-sung Monkees tunes!
.-= See Alison’s latest blog post: When to Quit? =-.
I don’t think I know that song. We probably haven’t gotten to that episode yet 😀
You might not recognize it by name, anyway. It goes:
Though heartaches fill the long and lonely
nights of waiting finally won me
happiness with all the love in you
And now with you as inspiration
I look for a destination
sunny bright that once before was blue
I have no more than I did before
but now I have all that I need
Cause I love you and I know you love me.
.-= See Alison’s latest blog post: When to Quit? =-.
Lyrics didn’t do it for me, but I found somebody on YouTube doing a cover of it, and yes, I definitely know it. Yeah, that is a good one. Toe-tapping 🙂
I remember watching the Monkees, they are soo cool! Nice job on the hat, Lisa.
.-= See Kashoan’s latest blog post: Fall Fingerless Mittens =-.
Thanks! He was so excited when I showed it to him all finished this morning.
I LOVE that the Monkees inspired your son to wear a groovy hat!
Great hat!
.-= See Andrea’s latest blog post: Procrastination =-.
Great hat!
.-= See Andrea’s latest blog post: Procrastination =-.
Next he needs a button that says “Save the Texas Prairie Chicken”. I was a serious Monkees geek back in High School. . .
.-= See Alison’s latest blog post: When to Quit? =-.
I have three of the old albums that someone gave me after they found out I owned a cassette tape of all their songs that I recorded off of the TV. Remember doing that…stop, start, stop, start. The hat looks perfect, and remember he also had it in blue and black according to that video montage.
.-= See lsaspacey’s latest blog post: UFO to WIP…Vogue 9277 =-.
Any chance you could make a green Monkees hat in an adult size? I would very much like to purchase one with the row of double buttons, like their shirts.
Mind if I think it over for a bit? I can probably do it, but I’ve got a lot of projects going right now and will be better able to figure out my schedule, what it would cost, etc. next week sometime. If you don’t hear from me next week, feel free to drop me a line and remind me at polkadotcottage at lisaclarke dot net.
[…] was commissioned to make a pair of Mike Nesmith-inspired wool hats recently, after somebody saw the one I made for Aidan last year. So here they are. I like these a lot better than Aidan’s, actually, which was done on a […]
Looks like a gift for someone I love! RT @lclarke522: Mr. Woolhat http://bit.ly/9NaZtG
Hello. I am a musician who is going to play Mike Nesmith in a Monkees cover band. Can you make the hat in adult size for me? Or otherwise recommend somebody who can? Thanks either way.
Your cover band sounds like fun 🙂
I’m not making the hats anymore, but if you read through the comments on this post, you’ll find several people who would be happy to make you one. Or if you know someone who knits, you can give them the pattern in that same post. I hope this helps!
Hello, I know you published this post a long time ago now, but I had a question: I already knitted Mike’s hat with a loom, and I didn’t get the right sizes I wanted to make it look like Mike’s (it was my first time knitting, so…) So could you please tell me what the length of the beanie is for an adult size? I’d like to knit a second one which would be more Nez-like. Thank you very much and congratulations for showing your son The Monkees!
Hi, Katharina. I wish I could help you, but I don’t have any of those hats sitting around my house anymore to measure! Are you a Ravelry member? Other people have knit my pattern before, and some of them have written up extensive notes for what they did. Maybe that will help? Here is the link. Good luck!
Oh, well, too bad… I’ll check this link, thank you very much!