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More weekend sewing

Shirt, before modifications

I made the Weekend Sewing shirt today, using a thrifted sheet.  And I am fairly sure I chose poorly, when it came to size.  It came out entirely too wide, and the sleeves were too long.  Strangely, though, I thought the shirt itself could have used another few inches of length.

Shirt, before modifications

I was really not happy with the fit.

Not having anything to lose, I did what I do with nearly every shirt I make:  I messed around with it and tried to force it into the shape I wanted 😀

Shirt, with improvements

I shortened the sleeves, added a few inches to the bottom, and took a few inches off the sides.  I’m much happier with the fit now.

What I’m not happy with is the state of that bathroom mirror.  Holy cow.

Typical evening

Ok, this mirror is better.  And it’s full of entertaining characters to boot.  Just a typical Sunday night around here…

Anyway, I intend to make this again, maybe in a dark solid color, and I plan to fiddle with the paper pieces of my pattern before cutting into the fabric so that hopefully I don’t have to do any post-construction surgery on it like I did with this one 😀


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Posted on 15 Comments

15 thoughts on “More weekend sewing

  1. nice amendments! I’m going to go sheet shopping and make a prototype this week as well.

    See what Sarah Jackson has been blogging about: cooping it up

    1. Hooray for thrifted sheets! I’d dive head first into a lot fewer projects if I had to cut up the expensive stuff to do it.

  2. Cute Shirt! You really reworked it too.
    I have a couple of hints to tell you.

    The length of your shirt should be the
    length of your arm from shoulder to wrist,
    plus 1 inch for each bra cup size you are,
    ( you can always shorten that, but that way
    no shirt will ever be too short!

    Tack your collar to the shirt, that way it
    will never fold up.

    Measure you hand around the thickest part.
    The sleeve bottom should be this plus inch.

    Do you know about ?
    If not you’ll totally love this place!
    Esp the message boards=)

    Happy sewing, you did great work!!
    Blessings Diana

    1. Thank you for all of the hints – I appreciate them! I hope I’ll have some time this weekend to have another go at this pattern.

  3. your modifications are perfect– it looks great on you! i think you’re right, it does run REALLY big, and unless you use super-thin fabric it can be a little much. cutting it down makes it perfect.

    1. Thanks! I think next time I will try it in a smaller size, and do a full bust adjustment on the pattern. That might make it fit better without all of the extra fiddling around.

  4. Your modifications make it look great!

    See what Addie has been blogging about: Something New + Good Mail

    1. Thanks, Addie 🙂

  5. Your post cracked me up. The only thing I can sew is a flat quilt top…nothing 3D for me…so I admire what you were able to do.


    1. Funny! I think quilts are more challenging than some of the garments I’ve attempted. I can only really handle the simplest of quilts.

  6. On that subject. It’s been a long while since I found a thrift-store sheet that I was excited about–but I found one today, just in time to make a new spring skirt…. yeah! stay tuned. Should probably have enough left over to make a blouse from the same stuff, if I want to.

    See what Penny has been blogging about: Recent projects, March

    1. Oh, lucky! I just have no luck around here with good sheets. I found that one funky one I shared with you last year, and since then it’s just been somewhat mediocre pickings.

      I shouldn’t complain, though – I still have some of the pieces from last year’s swap that I have been hoarding 😀

  7. […] my first try at the Weekend Sewing Summer Blouse?  I like it ok, but it sort of reminds me of scrubs.  Not […]

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