So I’m jumping the gun and posting my flickr favorites for the week. Actually, this is two weeks of favorites, since I forgot last week. Lots of pretty jewelry this time, and no shortage of feet. As usual. And yet, I always wear plain black shoes myself. Go figure.
Those of you still playing along in the color scheme naming contest might be happy to know that I’ve been prodded ever so gently to allow a free-for-all on the last day and let you submit as many choices as you want. I think it’s probably safe to do that now, so consider this your official notice: Submit as many choices as you want on Friday! Nobody has picked the one I’ve been thinking of yet. And NO, I am not going to tell you what letter it starts with, LOL! You guys have been cracking me up with all of this, you know… I never realized how much fun this little contest would be for me (and for some of you, too, apparently). Am I going to have to come up with a weekly guessing game or something here to keep you all entertained?
I haven’t been taking many pictures this week. My days have been an odd combination of being incredibly busy and barely moving. I’ve spent more time than usual carting kids around, letting Aidan miss the bus some mornings, picking him up some afternoons, fetching medicine for the sick one in the house, volunteering at school, meeting a friend for coffee, back and forth to preschool for Eamonn, picking up bagels for lunch. My mornings have been a busy blur and not particularly photogenic. Afternoons this week have been largely spent in front of my laptop. Some of that time I’ve been working on necessary evils, other times blogging, yet other times updating my radio station with new music, and still more times just checking out the blog scene. I don’t find screen shots particularly interesting, so no photos of that, either.
Tomorrow may very well be more of the same, although I have an appointment with the eye doctor that I’m secretly hoping results in a pair of glasses for me. Oh, the fun photo op a new pair of hip, stylish glasses would bring! Think of me Friday morning at 10:30 and send “new glasses that aren’t a 24/7 necessity, but more of a fashion statement that helps me see better when I feel like I need it” vibes.
I should probably find out what my insurance covers. I hope whatever it is that it comes in green…
I love those “hip stylish glasses” , think they would be perfect for you :))
Friday free for all eh, now I am going to have to go back and look at the picture again. and no hints? sheesh. Women!
Hope Neil is feeling better now. if not, then soon.
See what Kathi has been blogging about: Today I clayed!
Heh, well, strangely enough my local Pearle’s didn’t carry glasses like those and I had to settle for something else.
ok..I am back 🙂
Shabbat (heck if I know why this popped into my head….)
heh…thats enough for now 😀