I recently decided that it would be fun to make myself a scarf or a cowl that was reminiscent of the granny square sweater my great-grandmother crocheted for my mother in the 1960’s. Here’s how that went.
Read More: Vintage-Inspired Granny Square NeckwarmerTag: vintage granny square cowl
TWiP: Vintage Granny Square Vibes
So, we’re a day and a half late this week, and I’m ok with that. Instead of spending my Saturday morning writing this roundup, I spent it in a cozy little cabin in Esopus, NY, sipping coffee and getting ready for the Sheep and Wool Festival. Now that I’m back, though, I show you the granny square cowl that occupied my thoughts (and my hook) all week.
Read More: TWiP: Vintage Granny Square Vibes