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Weekend Favorites

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Instagram this week. I’m thinking of finding a way to include Instagram favorites along with Flickr. Must explore that further.

On Flickr

The mosaic below represents other people’s pictures that spoke to me this week. Be sure to click on the titles below the mosaic, if you want to know more about the image or the photographer behind it.

(follow me on flickr)

Weekend Favorites at Polka Dot Cottage

1. 100 gourmet cakes and bakes by Chef Irudayam, 2. 003/365 – Elixir, 3. 12.29.14 An Orange, 4. Smile, 5. January 2 – Focusing on the Night…a fun evening with the photo club at the San Clemente Pier, 6. Big Red, 7. Lakeview footbridge., 8. Enchanted forest, 9. vintage inspired cardboard (putz) house ornaments

Around the Web

I spend some time earlier in the week sharing my favorite crafty links through social media. And then I repeat them here on Fridays.

  • Using Natural Light in Still Life Photography – tips from A Beautiful Mess. Taking pictures by the window this winter? Whether you prefer a look that is light and airy, or dark and dramatic, this tutorial has you covered. I already do most of what they suggest for the brightly-lit stuff, but I haven’t tried the more dramatic look. Think I need some black foam board…
  • Knit-Along with the Berroco Design Team – sweater KAL from berroco design studio. I’ve had my eye on the Aidez pattern for some time. It looks like such a cozy cardigan for winter. Plus it has some interesting cables to add a bit of a challenge. The KAL officially started two days ago, but I suspect it’s not too big of a problem to jump in late. By all accounts, this is a fairly quick knit (bulky yarn).
  • Unfinished – an accountability project for 2015 from { a swoop and a dart }. Raise your hand if you have a pile of unfinished projects. Yeah, me too. Elizabeth Dillow is starting a new project to help inspire herself (and others) to finish their old projects. It sounds like a good idea to me. Check it out!
  • Personalized Home Welcome Mat – a DIY from A Beautiful Mess. I love this. I want to make one!
  • Year of Making – a project and ebook from Kim Werker. Kim undertook a year of making in 2014, which was essentially: make something every day and take a picture of it. This year, she’s doing it again, and she’s got an ebook to help those who might like to join her and are looking for some inspiration. And some worksheets. Check it out!
  • Half Square Triangle Hand Warmers – a warm project from The Zen of Making. Was it 5 degrees this morning where you live, too? Brrr. These hand-warmers look like a great thing to make for tomorrow (which is not going to be a whole lot warmer than today was).

Have a terrific Friday! Stay warm 🙂


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1 thought on “Weekend Favorites

  1. […] you remember last week when I said that I was going to try to also include my Instagram favorites? Well I figured out how to do it, but there was something I didn’t take into account: I […]

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