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Wherein Lisa rambles through a week’s worth of show-and-tells

It all started last week, when I destroyed my new bamboo shirts and was left with nothing new to wear, despite several hours of work and even more hours of daydreaming about how nice those new bamboo shirts would have been to wear all spring and summer.

That left me feeling distinctly dissatisfied, naturally, and instead of putting away the sewing machine, as had been the original plan, I went to work making something I could actually wear.  First up was this dress, from the ubiquitous Simplicity 3835 pattern.  I’d never made either of the dress views before, and strictly speaking, I still haven’t…

New dress

This is essentially the view C shirt that I have made so often I can do it in my sleep, lengthened to view B (minidress) length.  I didn’t do any of the other view B things, like make the sleeves longer, or add a zipper & darts at the back.

I still don’t know if I like it.  I’m conflicted about the length, which was definitely too short for a 45-degree Easter Sunday, but may be ok for a 90-degree casual afternoon in the back yard.  It might also do well as a tunic over jeans. I made it from a thrifted full-size sheet, so the good news (besides that fact that it was super cheap) was that there was enough of the sheet left to try again, this time in the longer view A length.

Self Portrait Thursday

Again, I didn’t do any of the fancy zipper-related stuff. This version definitely makes me happier than the first.  The length is more “casual carefree summer” and less “be careful who you might be flashing.”

I didn’t need two green dresses, though, and in the longer length, that lime was a bit MUCH, so I dyed it brown.  I suspect the polyester content of the thrifted sheet made the dye less vibrant in the end, but that’s exactly what I was hoping for.  I wanted some of the green to come through.  I like this one. I may even wear it sometime! Heh.

New shirt and necklace

Well, as long as I had the sewing machine out, and still didn’t really have anything I felt like wearing on a daily basis, I made myself another white shirt. This time it’s not bamboo, but a nice linen cotton blend that I have experience with – I know can throw it carelessly in the wash and have it come back out in one piece.  And I need that because, let’s face it, “carelessly” is really the only way I know how to do laundry. I don’t plan to dye it.  At least, not until the first spaghetti sauce or coffee stain lands on it.  By my calculations, that will be roughly next week.

New necklace

The necklace I’m wearing there is one that I’ve had in my head for a few years, and finally managed to get out when I came across the right chain for it.  The chain is silver-plated, and the beads are foil-lined glass.  The clay beads are essentially double-sided buttons with the holes drilled at the edges instead of in the center.  I’m glad I went with a light aqua edging on these instead of something dark.  I think it works well with the silver, and will look pretty up against this formerly white t-shirt that I dyed a soft aqua this week.

(Would there be any interest in me making more of these necklaces? Perhaps for the shop for Mother’s Day gifts?)

Copper findings

One last thing, and then I’ll let you move on to somebody else’s blog for a while.  I used some of the scraps from the necklace-making activity to put together a few sample pairs of copper earrings, and two tiles for pendants.  I bought a small pile of copper findings last week that I’m really looking forward to playing with.  I think copper is an excellent companion to my Swamp color scheme, and I should be able to make some bracelets & pendant necklaces in addition to the earrings, given the time.

(Any interest in seeing some copper items in the shop, too?  Lots more ear wires where those came from.)

I’ll be away this weekend, but I hope to check in from the road and yap gleefully about the class while it’s fresh in my mind. Now I’m off to pack up my clothes & my clay supplies, and get into a mokume gane state of mind.  Have a great weekend!


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Posted on 15 Comments

15 thoughts on “Wherein Lisa rambles through a week’s worth of show-and-tells

  1. Hello Lisa. I get the idea you like green. Anyway, the necklace would be nice for Mother’s day. Maybe with matching button earrings.

  2. This is totally the style of shirt I’ve been wanting to try out…off to get myself a pattern. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Goodness! That is a lot of productivity. Very excited about that necklace – it’s gorgeous!

    See what Sarah Jackson has been blogging about: farmer girl

  4. I would totally buy one of those necklaces (though I’d prefer it a bit shorter).

  5. lisa, i love copper findings. i find if i wear them for a while though, my ears turn green. just something to think about. 🙂 gerri

    See what gerri has been blogging about: coming out

  6. I’m loving your revamp of the Simplicity pattern! I had a bad run in with one of those “hidden” zippers. My dear Mom handed me a partially sewn little black dress…pattern and all. She said she’d had it with the dern thing and hoped my zipper foot would work better. After about the fifth try, I swore at the zipper and declared it evil. Thank you for inspiring me to have another go at dresses. A girl can only have so many skirts. Happy Crafting! Amy

    See what Artsy Amy has been blogging about: Things

  7. I did the same thing with that pattern. I made the dress but without any of the “extras”. Basically a long shirt. I made a skinny sash that I use as a belt to give it some shape. I have thought about adding darts…but I don’t know how they would turn out since the dress is already made. I like it..but I need to add some loops for the sash so that the dress doesn’t ride up. I love the green dyed brown. Cool.

    See what dani@little fists has been blogging about: A Toga Party It’s Not

  8. OMG! Guess what else you did? Inspired me to do the same with a goldenrod yellow flat sheet I have. I bought it a while ago but it didn’t go with the sheet set I was going to coordinate it with. So since I’ve been 1) dying for something yellow in my wardrobe, 2) wanting to make the dress version of this top, and 3) holding onto it in my closet, you have definitely opened my eyes! When I’m done I’ll put it in the Built By You Flickr group and let you know about it. Thanks!

    See what lsaspacey has been blogging about: Job, Schmob…

  9. I have fabric to make the dress too. I love the shirt so much that figured I would lengthen it and see what happens. Glad to see it worked out for you hopefully I can try my hand at one this week. I love the longer length and it looks so fab on you.

    See what Janey has been blogging about: Spring Break Survival

  10. I love the necklace, and adore copper jewelry. It’s such a rich, deep looking metal.

  11. WOW. Just came across your blog from Sew Mama Sew! So happy I did. I just ordered the Simplicity pattern because after seeing your creations, I must do them too! I would love one of those necklaces,it just completes the whole look! I have been searching your jewelry and have marked a few for Mother’s Day/Birthday presents.

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