Give it a try, and don’t forget to post your results on our flickr group!
Speaking of giving thanks, I have to give mine to all of you who sympathized with my back problem yesterday. It still hurts, but I have a lot more freedom of movement today, so that’s good. I should be able to lug books & pack orders tomorrow. Yahoo.
The boys and I have been laying low the last few days, mostly out of backache necessity. We filled up the kiddie pool in the yard yesterday and they splashed for an hour or so. I read a magazine and occasionally dipped my feet in the pool – it was dang hot out there. (Will you look at that incredibly skinny kid to the left? He can’t possibly be mine. I wasn’t a fat kid, but I’m pretty sure you couldn’t count my ribs…)
We’re planning on revisiting the pool for a while this afternoon, but first the boys are watching Signing Time: My First Signs Volume 1 and learning to say milk, more, Mommy, Daddy, water and a few other things in American Sign Language. We’ve had this DVD for at least 3 years and it’s barely seen any action. I don’t know what made them pick it out today, but it’s fun seeing them follow along when they don’t know I’m watching.
Ok, the DVD is over and the boys’ play has turned to arguing. Time for some creative intervention!
Oh, and don’t forget, the Posy Giveaway is still going on!
oh I am so glad you are feeling a little better. The DVD sounds fab.
Oh that skirt is so pretty you are so clever I would love to be able to amke clothes.
Well hope rest of day goes nicely.
I’ve only been sewing for two months – this skirt-making thing is SO easy! (And SO addictive, LOL!) It’s all straight lines, really, particularly the elastic-waist ones.