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Dragon bones, mushrooms, and tea leaves

I say downed branch

The boys found this in the grass today.  I said it was a big branch blown down by the hurricane.  They said it was dragon bones.  Either way, it makes good kindling.  Into the firewood pile it goes!

In the yard

In the yard

In the yard

Also in the grass were a whole lot of impressively large mushrooms.  Neil and Aidan found them this afternoon.  I said “that’s nice” with no intention of getting up out of my chair, but Aidan insisted I needed to bring my camera outside and get a few shots of them.  He was right.  Does that child know me or what?

Thank you for the toothache ideas yesterday.  I am halfway through a root canal procedure, and I think maybe the temporary cap is out of alignment or something.  My teeth were aching terribly like they used to when I would get my braces adjusted.  Much better today, but still tender if I bite down in that spot.  I think I can manage for a little while (good thing, since my dentist’s office is currently under water along with the rest of the businesses in Stirling).

My post yesterday was poorly-named.  Those were scenes before and after a hurricane, really.  Moving the van to a safer spot, clearing the back patio of lawn furniture, stacking pillows + blankets from our hurricane-night sleepover in the family room, cleaning up the water from the basement, finding minor debris + water drops on a leaf + an interesting bug in the front yard, working on my latest crochet project… The camera didn’t actually come out during the storm itself.  I’m rather thankful that Irene wasn’t particularly photogenic (in a major disasters kind of way).

365 day 241 - Slept in the family room again last night

I couldn’t fall asleep last night.  I got it in my head that I wanted to make a Tea Leaves Cardigan.  But I’ve also been thinking for the past month that I wanted a granny square skirt similar to this one (but a little different in my mind).  The evenings now have that slight crispness to them, and I’m starting to smell Autumn ever so slightly, and so I can’t help but think about something new and handmade and cozy to wear in the coming months.  The thing is, I don’t think I can manage to make both projects.  I will need to choose one.  Leaning towards Tea Leaves pretty heavily at the moment… 1148 Ravelers can’t be wrong, can they?

This random post has been brought to you by the letter R.


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4 thoughts on “Dragon bones, mushrooms, and tea leaves

  1. I like the cardigan!

    1. So do I. I’m definitely doing that one. I haven’t completely given up on the skirt idea yet, though.

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Glad to see you guys came through very well from that storm. Sounds like your temporary filling may have a high spot in the center and that will cause extreme tenderness when biting. Your dentist can check that and smooth it down, if that’s the case. Hopefully, you can get back in to see your dentist soon to have that thing squared away.

    Take care,


    1. Thanks for the dental advice. Thankfully it is no longer painful, but I do have another appointment next week to finish up the root canal. Looking forward to being done with my mouth issues… forty years without much of a problem kind of spoiled me! It’s all catching up to me now.

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