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Hello, Friday.

Flickr Favorites: last month or so

Friday Flickr Favorites

Hello, Friday.  You’re looking beautiful today.  Your blue sky is reminding me of Summer days.  Ahh, those Summer days.  Speaking of which, might I put in a request for the weekend?  It sure would be nice to take a break from the colder-than-normal trend we’ve been seeing this winter, and have some seasonable temperatures around here.  That really would be nice.  Have a chat with Saturday and Sunday, if you can, and see what they can do about that.

And as long as I’m in an asking mood, Friday, do you think you could tell me where my 9-year-old left his library book?  I hesitate to admit how overdue it is at this point…

Thanks, Friday.  Might you like to join us for a family Shamrock Shake outing later?   Mmmmmm.  Minty.


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Posted on 2 Comments

2 thoughts on “Hello, Friday.

  1. We have a pretty blue sky here, too! But I’m enjoying it from the inside so I can pretend it’s spring weather. The wind beating down the house is trying to make me think otherwise. Grr!

    And I see my legwarmer, yay! Thanks for the fave. 🙂 Enjoy your Friday!!

    See what Tanya has been blogging about: Pillows in progress

  2. I wanted to thank you for following Stefani to my blog. I appreciate your comment, and I’m so glad to come and discover your space. Happy weekend to you and yours.

    See what Relyn has been blogging about: A Handful of Candies

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