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Favorites week of April 14

It must be spring.  My thoughts have turned to nature and fabric.  I’m thinking about dogwood blossoms, skirt-making, and cheery colors this week.  The windows are open wide today, and I’m in my favorite living room chair, typing and enjoying the breeze in the hour I have left before preschool pickup.

Sometime today I need to complete my food shopping list and then actually do the shopping.  A friend dropped by for an hour this morning, and we had herbal tea with animal crackers because that was all I have in the house.  Good thing we both like herbal tea and animal crackers.

I also need to pack & ship some orders today.  Not my favorite task, but it needs to be done.  Maybe I can sweet-talk Eamonn into helping me.  It isn’t actually helpful, but it’s nice to have company, and I enjoy the conversation.  Besides, I prefer for him to be sitting with a pile of my DVD’s trying to sound out the word “Millefiori” than watching TV all afternoon 😀

I also have an idea for a flickr group, and if there’s time I’d like to start it up and tell you all about it.

Before I can do any of that, though, I need to figure out what to have for lunch.  Apparently my stomach is not satisfied with only having had eight animal crackers so far today…


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6 thoughts on “Flickity-flick

  1. Mil-uh-fee-or-ee. Yup, I always have to sound that one out too. 🙂

    Hope your day’s wonderfully productive — I’m eager to hear about your Flickr group!

    1. Yep, pretty productive, although I never did get to making that group. Maybe later! It’s not clay-related, though, so you might not want to get *too* eager 😉

  2. Last week was spring, this week is the Return of Winter! Last Saturday’s fair, it was about 20C out (nice) and this Saturday it may be close to -20C(not nice). I won’t mind being inside all day for the show so much though…

    Todays to-do list involves sanding and baking things. Or rather, baking then sanding. Yay…

    See what Elaine has been blogging about: I Still Can’t Get Over It

    1. Aw, that’s too bad that it’s going to be cold where you are. It’s lovely here, finally. Next week it doesn’t appear that it will ever dip below 60 degrees. I think spring is finally sticking around. Yay!

      Hope you got your baking-then-sanding done 🙂

  3. trade ya! you can do my de-cluttering and I will do your shipping and shopping.

    1. I am pretty sure shipping and shopping are less onerous than decluttering, so that would not be much of a trade for me. Maybe next time 🙂 Hope you accomplished a lot yesterday!

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