I crocheted a nearly instant-gratification shawl, and made polymer clay buttons to go with it. Come take a look!
Read More: That’s a wrap.I crocheted a nearly instant-gratification shawl, and made polymer clay buttons to go with it. Come take a look!
Read More: That’s a wrap.Thank you so much for all of the great comments and suggestions regarding my teeny tiny shawl! I decided to try a combination of suggestions. First, I re-blocked it. An hours’-worth of stretching and grunting, pinning and re-pinning, won me a precious two extra inches. That’s not a whole lot, but I think it actually helped […]
Read More: FollowupsI finished crocheting my shawl on Friday, and blocked it on Saturday. All along as I was crocheting I was a little concerned about it being too small, but I was keeping my fingers crossed that it would stretch considerably in the blocking. It did stretch, but only by about seven inches across. I was […]
Read More: The finished shawlI have three crochet projects going at the moment, and if I know me (and I think, by now, I do) this does not bode well for at least one of the projects. There’s the Granny Square Sampler, which I do really love and am committed to finishing. There’s a companion for Harold, which currently has one […]
Read More: Over-booked