Oh, wow, it’s been almost a week since I’ve dropped in here, hasn’t it? It doesn’t make me happy to neglect this space like that, but sometimes I just get sucked into all manner of other things!
Not all of these things are blog-worthy, but hopefully there will be some time this weekend to post a little bit about anything that is!
For now, though, there are pretty images and a couple of links to share 🙂
The mosaic below represents other people’s pictures that spoke to me this week on Flickr and Instagram. Click on the titles below the mosaic to get a better look at the images and see more from the photographers who made them.
(Follow me?Flickr | Instagram)
- today we learned about making dye wit… by lottajansdotter via Instagram
- I’m crowd sourcing this. Syracuse Chi… by sunshineandgrey via Instagram
- So much to do but I’m going to knit a… by lindamade via Instagram
- This place by alice_gao via Instagram
- Final one for today! Can’t do without… by fatquartershop via Instagram
- The current state of my workspace: cr… by thezenofmaking via Instagram
- Milking Day quilt, does a body good #… by fatquartershop via Instagram
- Knitting at the laundromat as one doe… by thishandmadelife via Instagram
- i arrived back in san francisco to fi… by sfgirlbybay via Instagram
- 3 by shiningegg via Instagram
- felt doll pincushion by Hillary Lang via Flickr
- I’ve been busy putting together some … by skeinyarn via Instagram
- Halfway there by sunshineandgrey via Instagram
- Putting away Annabel’s laundry…and … by soulemama via Instagram
- pillow refresh by house on hill road via Flickr
- Sailor Top made in my new hand dyed a… by stitchindye via Flickr
Here are a few interesting things from around the web that grabbed me this week:
- Top 10 Awesome Features of Google Now – a list from Lifehacker. I don’t usually share anything ultra nerdy here, but I am finding myself falling in love with Google Now on my phone. One of my favorite features is the reminders, that can be based on time (like, Tomorrow Morning) or location (like, when I’m near Walgreens). It becomes even cooler when you use it with voice commands (like, Ok Google, remind me to buy aspirin at Walgreens). Fun.
- Valentine Sweet Heart – a crochet tutorial from Attic24. Ok, so it’s a little last-minute. But if you need something to keep your hands busy over the next day or so, maybe this will do?
- 50 crafty things to do before you’re 50 – a list from Mollie Makes. I’ve still got several years ahead of me before I hit 50, but even so, I am surprised by how many of these things I have not yet done! For someone who is supposedly pretty crafty, I think I may be falling down on the job 😉 How about you?
- What’s That Little Line Thingy? – photography info from CaptureYour365. I will admit it: I have only recently started paying attention to that little line thingy, as they call it. Understanding it, however, is key to getting a proper exposure, particularly when you are using one of the camera’s more manual modes.
Have a great Friday! And stay warm if you’re anywhere like where I am. As I write, the temperature is hovering around 6 degrees. Brrrr!