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August, already?

I know it’s cliche to say, but time really does fly. Hard to believe it’s already August. The first day of August brings with it a few tasks, such as judging the last Color Challenge, taking down my library display, changing the blog header, and remembering to call my parents for their anniversary.

But since it’s also Friday, I have to add my weekly Flickr favorites to that list, some order packing, and a good healthy dose of guilty Sci-Fi pleasure before bed.

Friday Flickr Favorites: Week of July 18 + July 25

So, how about those favorites? Clearly I’m still under the spell of aqua and green, more than a year after starting this thing. The requisite shoes and skirts are there as well. This time I’ve also been noticing shirts. In particular, Summer shirts with contrasting yokes. You remember the shirt that I made a few weeks ago? I’d like to make another one or two along those lines, and I want to do it in two coordinating patterns, but I don’t want to end up looking clowny. I’ll have to choose my fabrics carefully, like I think these people did.

I spent much of yesterday in some kind of abdominal distress. I think I must have eaten something that disagreed with me at my cousin’s shower. It bothered me all day, but it also gave me an excuse to do something that I never do – lay around all morning and watch tv. Followed by laying around all afternoon and evening playing/working on the computer.

Sample screen shot

I converted the entire shop from a table layout to one that uses exclusively style sheets. I realize that won’t mean anything to some of you, so let me translate: Tables are the Old Way to do websites. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the New Way. I avoided the New Way because the Old Way was so comfortable, easy, and familiar to me. But the time I spent working on the layout of this blog recently, ended up teaching me an awful lot about CSS. It taught me enough, that when I started looking at the layout of the shop, I couldn’t help but feel that it could be vastly improved (and made to tie in to the blog even better) if I converted everything to style sheets. So, I finished up that task yesterday. You should go check it out. Be sure to let me know if you find anything troublesome.

Next up? Bringing back threaded comments. I’m close, but the formatting is still not quite there.

Wow, I really need to stop playing with pixels and play with some clay or fabric so I don’t continue to bore you all to tears 😀

Clay day

Here. Try gazing upon this pile of buttons to hold you over, ok? Be back later with the final Color Challenge post!


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Posted on 4 Comments

4 thoughts on “August, already?

  1. shop looks good Lisa. I like how it all ties in together. dang, with you being so geeky now I am feeling the urge to CSS too. stop doing this to me!

    See what Kathi has been blogging about: Commission windows update

  2. is blogging: August, already?

  3. I like the website. You do some great stuff. I know this is something that might be hard to do, but the only thing I thought of when I was on the website was that it might be nice to see all the beads (if you wanted to, like if you had high speed internet) at one time. Just a thought. You see for me there where just lots that I liked and it might be nice to see them all at once so I could figure out which one I HAD to have;)

    Over all I love the new look, and the pins at the top are way cute!!!

    See what zoe has been blogging about: Couple of Projects

  4. @ zoe:

    Those are real pins that I put on my flatbed scanner. I’m kind of proud of that little idea 🙂

    And actually, your request isn’t hard at all – it already exists, in fact. I just never made a menu option for it. I will now, but in the meantime, just follow this link.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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