Have I mentioned how much I like spring? I think I appreciate it more every year, as I grow to dislike winter at a similar rate. After a long cold spell, nothing invigorates me more than being able to throw open all of the windows and feel the lovely warm breeze on my skin. It’s been hard these last two years having a little one with seasonal allergies. The windows remain closed just when I am feeling an intense need to have them open. I realize the physical toll of the pollen on Eamonn’s teary eyes and runny little nose is more profound than the emotional toll of a stuffy house on me, and so the pleasant breeze remains just out of reach. And all of us hope for a day of rain, to wash away the pollen and allow us to welcome the outdoors in. If the weather report is to be trusted, we may get that day tomorrow.
So, Polydelphia was fun. I did eventually manage to win something! This is a fun, colorful dragonfly pin by Kim Korringa, and I am finding it hard to stop looking at it. I am mesmerized by the wings. I’ve made similar ikat-like blended stripes myself, but I never put them together in this way. I love the combination of stripes and swirls. So pretty. I won’t post images this time of all of the auction items I didn’t manage to walk away with on the second day, but you can see them in my flickr account, if you’d like.
I expect my visits here to be few and far between this week. I have a certain 8-year-old’s First Communion this weekend and would kind of like to have my house in decent shape for the inevitable invasion of relatives. Plus, in an astounding display of forethought (yes, that is sarcasm, in case you didn’t recognize it) I scheduled a swap for this week. So while I’m cleaning the crafty supplies out of the dining room, I’ll be working around 100+ vintage sheet remnants. The current count stands at 116, but I’m still waiting for, I think, seventeen swappers’ sheets to arrive. There could potentially be another fifty sheets showing up here in the next few days. I’m having a lot of fun with this, but the timing really could have been better. I blame the US Postal Service. If they weren’t planning an increase on Monday, I’d be taking my time with this instead of scrambling to save my 20 cents per package 😉
One last thing before I go… I’m thinking of shutting down my radio station. The big thing that’s holding me back from doing it, is that, frankly, it’s cool to be able to say, “yeah, I have a radio station.” But when I think about it, is that coolness really worth almost $200/year to me? I’m leaning very heavily towards NO at the moment. So I’m looking into alternatives. I still want to be able to share my favorite music with anyone who will listen. But I want to do it cheaply and without the pressure of updating my playlist every couple of days. I’ve really fallen down on the playlist-updating part of the job lately. Live365 gives me about 7 hours of playlist time with the package I have now, and unless I rotate songs in and out frequently, hearing the same 7 hours of music is going to get pretty old pretty fast to my listeners. My stats definitely back this up.
I’m looking at last.fm right now. With their plugin for my media player, every time I listen to music on my computer, it is noted on my last.fm profile. Visitors to my profile can listen to a radio station that is built based on my personal listening history. So, if I’m on an Indigo Girls kick, and playing RItes of Passage while cleaning the kitchen all week, my last.fm radio station is probably going to be queuing up “Galileo” for your listening pleasure. And, if I prefer more control than that, I can create a playlist, filled with songs I’ve listened to that I specifically choose to share. I’ve been building a playlist for the last few days, if you’d like to have a listen!
I don’t have any last.fm friends at the moment, so if any of you use the service and would like to be friends, visit my profile and add me.
And now I must be gone. There’s laundry to fold, a dishwasher to unload, and orders to get ready for shipment. And I see a certain 5-year-old on the other side of the room who looks like he could use a good tickle 😉
My sympathies to Eammon…you remember, I assume my battles with allergies. Have you taken him to an allergist? They have great drugs now that they didn’t have when I was a kid. There should be no need for him to suffer so.
I currently mostly keep mine under control without prescriptions. I take a food supplement called Allerplex from Standard Process that helps a lot.
Of course, this is after approximately 12 years of allergy shots every single weekend when I was a kid – which, by the way, are no longer necessary because of the better drugs.
He seems to be getting better this week. We were giving him Benadryl last week and then switched to Claratin. He’s still got issues, but they’re not bothering him as much. I think it’s almost over this year, but next year I definitely want to consult his pediatrician and see if there are better ways of dealing with it.
I had forgotten about your allergy issues – all those shots must have been rough. Ugh.
Yeah, it’s hard when you have a kiddo with allergies, because just going from car to house to car to grocery store can make the poor thing feel like his head’s stuffed with cotton and his nose attached to a hose. Been there, do that. Mowing the lawn? Yeah, right mom!
Congrats on winning one of Kim’s pins… adorable! And perfect for the time of year.
Here’s me, blowing dandilion seeds in the wind for you… each one a special wish for a happy day today.
See what Cat has been blogging about: Faux Opal Cabochon tutorial updated
Thanks, Cat! Nice seeing you – it’s been a while. And, yeah, just a small car trip can cause him trouble, especially when the car is covered in pollen, and he can’t seem to stop touching it, and then touching his face! I think the worst is over for this season, luckily.
I just love dragon flies, I blogged about them ages ago in spirit guides & tarot cards.
I used to be afraid of them when I was a kid, but now I love them. It’s just as well because there are a LOT of them around my yard in the summer. I’d have a really tough time of it if they still freaked me out 😉
Have you looked at Pandora.com for a custom radio station? I think you can share stations with people. check it out. IT’s free.
Yep, I have a Pandora account. I like it a lot. It’s a great way to find new music. The only problem with sharing a Pandora station is that you don’t actually have any control over the songs they pick. You give them parameters for the type of music you like, but ultimately the song choices are up to them. I think I want something with more control than that for now.