This week was good: a family party, some time out in nature, wearing a project fresh off the needles, a chicken dish in the skillet, and a COVID booster
Read More: TWiP: Time in NatureTag: vests
TWiP: Improvisationally Inclined
I really like it when I have something worthwhile to share in these weekly roundups. I’ll admit that some weeks feel a bit sparse. But this is one of those satisfying weeks, with multiple projects to share. Some knitting, some crocheting, and some slow cooking.
Read More: TWiP: Improvisationally InclinedTWiP: September into October
TWiP: Masked
It was a colorful week, thanks mainly to the pretty fabrics I’ve been playing with. These have been stashed away for far too long, and I’m glad to be putting them to good use now!
Read More: TWiP: MaskedTWiP: April Occasions
Global pandemic or not, we had occasions to celebrate this week! Our 25th wedding anniversary, and Eamonn’s 17th birthday. We managed to find ways to make our special days special.
Read More: TWiP: April OccasionsTWiP: Slacker
Since I am working full time from home now, my personal desk is now my work desk, and I just don’t want to be here on such a constant basis. So, I pretty much didn’t turn the computer on at all on Saturday or Sunday. Or many of the other nights this week. I’m finally doing this now, because I really, really don’t want to end up in a situation where I am posting two TWiPs on one day.
Read More: TWiP: SlackerTWiP: Socially Distant
It’s a weird time, but we’re doing our best to be careful. I’ve gotta say, though, all of this talk of staying home and minimizing contact with other people just makes me want to leave the house all the more.
Read More: TWiP: Socially DistantDad’s Vest
The baby blanket on my back
I crocheted a vest which I would like a lot better in a different color.
Read More: The baby blanket on my backFinish line
Sometimes, when you’re in the middle of a long-term project, you just feel the need to cross a finish line. Any finish line. This was me last week. I love working on the blanket, but man, I’ve been doing the same thing since January! I needed a little break. Good thing I have a few […]
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