I finished a sweater this week, among other things.
Read More: TWiP: Eat, drink, and be knittyI’ve started knitting two more sweaters. Partially because I am crazy, and partially because it’s winter, and what better way is there to pass a chilly evening but with sticks and string, and a cozy mystery on the TV?
Read More: TWiP: More Sweaters AheadJust a bit of everyday life going on around here. Nothing exciting happening this week, but I’m ok with “nothing exciting” most of the time 🙂
Read More: TWiP: DomesticityThis week is an example of what I was afraid would happen if I stopped requiring myself to take a photo a week. I have four images from Saturday, two from Thursday, and nothing else. Who knows what I was doing the rest of the week? Not me!
Read More: TWiP: Saturday and ThursdayI do not want to turn on my computer on the weekends! Weekends are for visiting! And going for long drives! And breathing fresh air! And sitting on the bed watching mysteries and knitting!
Read More: TWiP: Weekends are not for Sitting at the ComputerIt was a full week. I’m thinking about how to refer to multiple Flax sweaters in a grammatically acceptable way, because I finished one Flax and started another this week. I also made more family portrait ornaments, and moved permanently out of the office space that I used to occupy before the pandemic.
Read More: TWiP: The plural form of FlaxAh, Thanksgiving week. I have always loved Thanksgiving, both for the opportunity to gather with family, and as a harbinger of the Christmas season. But during years such as this one, where I have been gainfully employed, I have also come to appreciate Thanksgiving for the four-day weekend it provides 🙂
Read More: TWiP: Ornament Season BeginsI cheated, skipped the sleeves, and finished that sweater. Yay! Also, tiny pumpkins dominated my week.
Read More: TWiP: Tiny Pumpkin SeasonLast year I declared that the rest of the world was welcome to their pumpkin spice addiction, and that I would instead be quietly hording all of the maple products, thankyouverymuch.
Well, it turns out the rest of the world wants in on the maple thing, too. Never mind that maple is actually a late winter / early spring product when it comes right down to it. Somehow it is becoming the Next Big Fall Flavor.
Read More: TWiP: Maple is the new Pumpkin SpiceThere was a lot of color in this week’s mosaic, between the flowers and the reading material 💗
Read More: TWiP: A Colorful Week