Between waiting for special yarn to arrive and then indecision once it got here, it’s been a very angsty week.
Read More: TWiP: Yarn-based angstBetween waiting for special yarn to arrive and then indecision once it got here, it’s been a very angsty week.
Read More: TWiP: Yarn-based angstI’m in between big projects at the moment, and this week I’ve found myself drifting from one small thing to another, unable to commit to anything substantial. I knit a shawlette/scarf, I tried weaving on a pin loom, and I dabbled in resin jewelry. That’s more variety than I’m used to in one week!
Read More: TWiP: Multi-CraftyTaryn is a textured worsted weight shawl, knit in four colors, each with its own stitch pattern (Garter, Alternating Welted Leaf, Irish Moss, and Stockinette). It works up in an asymmetrical triangle shape
Read More: Introducing TarynSchool started this week, I finished three projects, and I’m thinking about this year’s September Sweater.
Read More: TWiP: Week of WIPsIt was brutally hot this week. We had a family trip to the beach, and I took a solo one-night vacation at my parents’ house where I enjoyed a refreshing dip in their pool, a night in my old bedroom, and big cup of coffee in bed before heading to work. It was lovely. There was also a lot of knitting… I finished that shawl last night!
Read More: TWiP: End of Summer EscapesThe colors this week have tended to the lime and the orange. It’s mostly due to the new tops I sewed. Yes, I actually pulled out the sewing machine this week and whipped up some new stuff for my closet. I plan to give them their own post, just as soon as I finish the last of the four, and I’ve had a chance for a little back yard photo shoot.
Read More: TWiP: CitrusWe started this week off in Lancaster County, and ended it at the sewing machine: both places I don’t go often…
Read More: TWiP: Places I rarely goFrom Mexican food with the siblings to a new knitting project and a weekend getaway in Amish country…
Read More: TWiP: Last Week in PicturesTaxes, pumpkin season at Trader Joe’s, road trip to the NY Sheep and Wool Festival, and sock knitting.
Read More: TWiP: OctoberlyI started on a Saturday evening, and finished on a Monday night – and I still found time in there to go to work for 9 hours. Gotta love quick knits!
Read More: A Second Hitchhiker