We went to Ocean City, NJ last month (as we do), and I took a bunch of photos (as I do). It’s getting harder to find new subjects and new vantage points, but I think I managed it this year with side trips to Corsons Inlet and Wildwood, and with a variety of cameras.
Read More: Our 16th Ocean City TripTag: polaroid now plus
TWiP: Polymer Inspired
I wrapped up my ornament-making season this week, and then whipped up a few jewelry pieces, because I was surprisingly still in the mood. That’s not great news for my dining room table, but it’s good news for anyone who’s been thinking they’d like a new colorful bangle bracelet to go with that sweater…
Read More: TWiP: Polymer InspiredTWiP: Ornament Season Begins
Ah, Thanksgiving week. I have always loved Thanksgiving, both for the opportunity to gather with family, and as a harbinger of the Christmas season. But during years such as this one, where I have been gainfully employed, I have also come to appreciate Thanksgiving for the four-day weekend it provides 🙂
Read More: TWiP: Ornament Season BeginsTWiP: Home and Away
This week started out with all of the pleasures of home, and ended with the pleasures of being nowhere near home.
Read More: TWiP: Home and Away