We’ve taken every other step, and all that remains is to give our new color scheme a name. I’ve had a lot of fun looking through your submissions, your comments to me, and your comments to each other. I had a small list of favorites going all week, but one of the later entries jumped […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step sevenTag: evolution of a color scheme
Evolution of a color scheme – step six
We’re in the home stretch now. If there are any steps you have missed, you can view them all here. Once we have determined our final three base colors, it is time to make some canes. I consider this to be the fun part. I have a handful of standard cane designs that I make. […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step sixEvolution of a color scheme – step five
In our quest to build a color scheme from the mosaic pictured above, we have developed three color recipes and added some white so that we have six colors. Now we have to decide if we are happy with these hues. We’ve managed to match these colors pretty closely with those that we originally picked […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step fiveEvolution of a color scheme – step four
If you recall, we are trying to create a color scheme in clay that will evoke the same emotional response as this mosaic. We’ve selected the colors we want to replicate and now must decide what packages of clay we need to get us started. I do all of my caning in Sculpey III […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step fourEvolution of a color scheme – step three
If you recall, last time we used three online color palette generators to help us pull the dominant colors out of our mosaic. Now our job is to pick our favorite choices from those palettes, narrow them down to three main hues, and determine our final colors. I pulled all three palettes into Paint Shop […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step threeEvolution of a color scheme – step two
We’re creating a new color scheme together, and our first step was to make a mosaic of photos that included colors we might want to use. Our task now, is to use that mosaic to generate a color palette, from which we can choose our three main colors. A simple Google search for “palette generator” […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step twoEvolution of a color scheme – step one
I’m creating a new color scheme, and I’m taking you with me. Interested? Here’s the scoop: Normally when I plan a new color scheme, there is very little actual planning involved. I have a vague idea of at least one hue that I want to use, and the rest comes about while standing in the […]
Read More: Evolution of a color scheme – step one