These are the last of my Clayathon 2018 photos. I spend the first part of the week there, and the rest of it doing what I always do: going to work and hanging out at home.
Read More: TWiP: Clayathon 2018, Part 2These are the last of my Clayathon 2018 photos. I spend the first part of the week there, and the rest of it doing what I always do: going to work and hanging out at home.
Read More: TWiP: Clayathon 2018, Part 2I’ve returned from Galloway, New Jersey, the site of the South Jersey Clayathon, and as usual, I had a fabulous time. Read all about my experience this year, get a peek inside our spacious workshop, and see the reason why I am teased for being crazy productive every year!
Read More: Penstravaganza at the Clayathon!I’m sitting on a comfy hotel bed, sipping coffee, and putting together this post while the morning sun streams in the window. It’s a beautiful-looking day in South Jersey, and in a few minutes I’ll be heading down to my spacious work space at this year’s Clayathon.
Read More: TWiP: Clayathon 2018, Part 1