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TWiP: Crochet-tastic

This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2021

It’s been a crochet-tastic week around here. I’ve finished two blankets and started a third, which is not really like me at all. Generally after finishing one blanket, I am DONE for a while on that particular craft. But after I fastened off the last stitch of the Campfire Blanket and published the pattern, I still wanted more. So this week I completed the Family Room Squircleghan, which has been in progress for nearly six years (!!). And then I did a little surgery on the Coastal Maine blanket I’d made for my father over three years ago. And then, when it seemed like I still hadn’t managed to scratch that itch, I dumped out my bucket of leftovers and started a ripple blanket for my bedroom.

I suspect I will get bored before I finish this latest one, but I won’t be too bothered if that happens. It’s kind of nice to have something simple going on the hook that I can put down and pick up whenever I have nothing more interesting going on.

So, what is This Week in Pictures?

It’s a roundup of the little (and big!) moments I have captured all week. Most of these images are posted on Instagram, but others aren’t posted anywhere but here. Some days there may be no photos, and other days there may be multiples. It’s more laid back than the Project 365s of previous years. You can learn more here 🙂

Photos taken with 📷 (Canon EOS 80D) or 📱 (Samsung Galaxy S9).

TWiP Clips

Here’s a very short video, featuring 1.5-second moments from the week:


It’s finished! If you look at the #pdcfamilyroomsquircleghan tag, you will see that I have been working on this a little bit at a time since April, 2015. This blanket is older than three of my four nieces! 😁 As it’s name implies, this one will live in the family room. It’s a little bit bigger than the personal lap blankets I’ve made for each of us, so it should be good for sharing 💕

(View original post on Instagram.)

Story for Saturday


I’ve found the key to looking really productive: only work on things that are already 90% finished 😁. My current project involves adding a few rows to an existing blanket. After this, maybe I’ll knit the giant cabled scarf from January 2019 that only needs a few more inches 🤔

(View original post on Instagram.)


Will this explains why I’m so sluggish today. I have no heart rate.


Can you handle another finished object from me? 😁 Here’s Dad’s lap blanket, newly expanded to lying down on the couch to watch a movie size per Mom’s request. I added 2 rows of squares on the left and two rows of squares on the right, giving it another 1.5 feet or so. You can click through to Instagram and scroll to see the blanket in it’s original format 🤎💙🤍

(View original post on Instagram.)


Grilled pepper jack cheese and an episode of Poirot for lunch 👍🏻 I’m wearing a #pdceverydaycardigan sweater I knit several years ago for my mother. She gave it back to me recently because it doesn’t fit her very well, and to be honest, I’m finding that it’s not such a great look on me either. I’m still wearing it mainly because it’s a pain in the neck to change into something else 😜

(View original post on Instagram.)


For some reason I can’t explain, I am not yet tired of crocheting blankets. So I started a new one. It’s a granny ripple that I hope I can finish using only leftovers from other projects.

(View original post on Instagram.)

Story for Friday

Thanks for helping me celebrate the week! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Instagram ♥

Same Week Previous Years (2015-2020)

This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2015 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2016 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2017 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2018 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2019 This Week in Pictures, Week 4, 2020


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