Hey, everybody! It’s nice to be here. I didn’t manage to blog all week, although I definitely thought about it. Sometimes, though, when I consider the effort required to get a topic out of my brain and onto the screen, well, I decide I’d rather just knit a few more rows (or something equally as non-technical).
In fact, even now, I kind of want to be done with this part so that I can sit quietly with the latest issue of Taproot (it’s issue #15, although it’s the first one I’ve actually seen) before my morning coffee is all gone 😉☕
Catch you back here in a few days, I hope. I’m getting the itch to get the clay out again, so I’ll have things to show you for sure when that happens!
So, what is This Week in Pictures?
It’s a roundup of the photos I shot with my DSLR for Project 365 (one image each day for all of 2015), plus some phone snapshots I posted on Instagram during the previous week.
Ready? Cast your mind back to this time last week…
365: 2015 262/365 – Usually when we go somewhere, I am the driver. This time, I got to be the passenger, which is cool because it leaves my hands free to grab the camera. [on the way to my aunt’s house]
365: 2015 263/365 – Fingers. They’re what’s for dinner. [at my in-laws’ house]
365: 2015 264/365 – It’s not every day that I manage to check everything off of the list!
365: 2015 265/365 – So, I went to pick up my teen volunteer at the library this afternoon, and everyone was standing outside and an alarm was buzzing. Before long, the police and fire department were on the scene. I’m not sure exactly what set it off, but all was calm when we went back two hours later. [at the library / with my phone camera]
365: 2015 266/365 – Today is the first day of fall, as well as the first day with our new-to-us oven. Some ginger spice cookie dough provided a nice way to celebrate both occasions 🙂
365: 2015 267/365 – Behind the scenes of a little photo shoot I had this morning with my new favorite mugs 🙂
365: 2015 268/365 – The upcoming Porthole Cardigan pattern: Prototype #1 complete (except for the buttons). Prototype #2 in progress.
Thanks for taking a peek at this week’s photos! If you want to see this stuff as it happens, please feel free to follow me on Flickr and/or Instagram.
I may already have plans to blog about some of these things in greater detail over the coming week, but be sure to leave a comment if there’s something in particular you want to know about!
Sounds like an eventful week! Love those new mugs of yours 🙂
Me too! I designed them a while ago, but I didn’t actually buy them for myself until now. I’m having such fun using my crocheted blankets as repeating patterns that I can apply to things (like mugs)!
The little sweater is pink and perfect
Thank you! I’m working on another one, a bit bigger, and in the opposite colors (white with pink trim) for my older niece. Maybe they’ll wear them together 🙂
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