So, I was at the gym this morning, pedaling along on my favorite recumbent bike, and listening to Tara Swiger’s new podcast (got a crafty business? go check it out – I’ll wait) and I suddenly had this idea for July: Sew a Skirt Month!
For those of us in the part of the world that is experiencing summer, it’s hard to beat a wardrobe full of skirts you sewed yourself. For one thing, skirts are cooler on a hot day than shorts are. Better airflow. Additionally, a custom-made skirt, based on your own unique measurements is guaranteed to fit you properly, and comfortably.
I tell you, after a summer of wearing elastic-waist skirts and wrap skirts, it’s hard to go back to restrictive jeans in the fall!
Here’s another cool (pun intended) thing about custom-made Summer skirts: they’re easy to sew. I kid you not, if you can sew a straight line, you can do it. I speak from experience when I tell you a novice sewist can do it, and become completely addicted in the process.
Have I sold you on this idea yet?
Now, I don’t have all of the details worked out yet. (See above RE: dreaming up this idea half an hour ago at the gym.) But I do know that I want to kick it off right. And by right, I mean 50 % OFF all of my sewing patterns.
I have three skirt patterns available to purchase. Each pattern comes with a photo tutorial, and is written in plain English, so you don’t need to know any intimidating sewing terms.
Here’s a little about each pattern, so you know which one is right for you:
I Like My Skirts Fast and Cheap
This is the easiest of the three. It has an elastic waist, and doesn’t involve any pattern-making at all – just measure the fabric and sew a few straight lines. It’s best-suited to making a skirt out of a thrift shop sheet. There is more detailed information here, as well as a widget to help you find funky old sheets on eBay, if you can’t get any locally.
Easy A-Line Skirt
This skirt is also elastic-waisted, but it is made to fit your curves. I teach you how to measure yourself and then use those measurements to make a re-usable pattern. This is still a beginner-level tutorial. You can get more details here.
Spring Wrap Skirt
This one starts out much like the previous one – with measuring and pattern-making, but then instead of using the pattern to make an elastic-waist skirt, it’s used to make a wrap style. It uses a little more fabric, and requires slightly more sewing, but it’s still only straight-line sewing, and it results in a really nice fitted look. Read all about it here.
Now, there will be more to Sew a Skirt Month than just this sale, but I haven’t entirely figured out what yet. I’d like to do a few tips-and-tricks posts perhaps. Or maybe a little sew-along. I have to give it a bit of thought. If you have some ideas for things you’d like to see this month, let me know!
And don’t forget: if you want that 50% OFF discount, you need to buy your patterns from the Polka Dot Cottage Downloads Shop (as opposed to my storefronts on Etsy, Craftsy, etc.) between now and July 31, and you need to use the coupon code SEWASKIRT.
Happy Sewing! Let’s meet back here in a few days and see what else we want to do with this month, shall we?