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Hey, more hooks!

New crochet hooks and knitting loom tools from Polka Dot Cottage

Some of you have been asking when (or if!) I would be making more hooks any time soon, and I couldn’t really give you a straight answer. Hook-making is a pretty time-consuming prospect, and it gets even more so, when I have to also photograph all of the hooks and put them on the website.

Still, I persevered, and I am happy to report that there is a nice selection of new hooks available, and a couple of knitting loom tools, too. I had wanted to make more loom tools, but I was short on both materials and time. Sorry about that! I hope the two I made will suffice.

Everything new is pictured above, but for an even closer look (and a chance to purchase) be sure to click here for crochet hooks, and here for knitting loom picks.

That’s all for 2013 now! Within the next day or so, I will be packing up the polymer supplies and making room for the sewing machine. Oh, the joys of working at the dining room table! Everything must rotate and take it’s turn.



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Posted on 4 Comments

4 thoughts on “Hey, more hooks!

  1. If you ever do a batch of steel hooks again, I hope you’ll post here for those of us who were too lazy to grab them last time!

    1. I don’t usually do steel unless they are special requests – they are not great sellers. If I start doing custom work again, I’ll definitely mention it here 🙂

  2. These look very cool, Lisa!

    1. Thanks! I enjoy looking at them all together as a group like that. It’s almost a shame to see them go!

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