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Weekend Favorites

Oh, I am so in love with the photos in this mosaic this week! I do wish that the tool I use to create the mosaics would allow me to move the blocks around a bit, though. The colors in the top two rows are much richer than those in the bottom two rows. A little randomization would make the whole thing more cohesive. Ah, well, that’s not really all that important in the grand scheme of things.

There’s so much beauty in the everyday, don’t you think? These photos prove it.

On Flickr

The mosaic below represents other people’s pictures that spoke to me this week. Be sure to click on the titles below the mosaic, if you want to know more about the image or the photographer behind it.

(follow me on flickr)

Weekly Favorites, at Polka Dot Cottage

1. happy little Village, 2. Spice bottle as tiny vase, 3. Scratched Beads Necklace, 4. Autumn on my desk, 5. Autumn Nebula, 6. Necesidad [251•365], 7. Colourful life, 8. instagram weekend, 9. #crochet, 10. girls room set, 11. Taking things gently, 12. Do you want a candy?, 13. Untitled, 14. Triangle quilt all done and ready to be shipped–it’s a surprise gift! Shhhh!, 15. Super quick tidy up in the #livingroom #lounge #interiors, 16. summer cushion in progress

Around the Web

I spend some time each afternoon, Monday through Thursday, sharing my favorite crafty links through social media. And then I repeat them here on Fridays.



Polymer Clay

Crafty business

Have a happy Friday! And keep an eye out this weekend for a post from me about the Custom Handmade Shop… it’s opening soon!!


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1 thought on “Weekend Favorites

  1. I love your finds!Such vibrant colors gathered there!:)

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