I’m nearly finished with my new pattern, tentatively entitled “Three Cable Headband.” You probably won’t be surprised to learn it’s a pattern for a headband that has three cables. Yeah, I’m creative like that with my titles. I’ve also toyed with “Three Cable Earwarmer,” but I think I am partial to “Headband.” Maybe. Decisions, decisions…
It’s going to be a three-in-one pattern. There’s the main design, which features tapered ends, cables down the center, and a big button closure. Then there are two easier variations: one without the cables but with the tapered ends, and one without either of those things.
The idea is that absolute beginners who know nothing more than how to knit and purl can handle the simplest variation. Those who would like a slightly bigger challenge can add increases and decreases on the second variation. And those intrepid souls who enjoy a nice simple cable can tackle the main pattern.
I thought I’d try something completely foreign to me, and ask for a few other pairs of eyes to have a look at this pattern before I publish it. Ann-Marie has kindly volunteered to try out the main cabled headband, but I could use two more volunteers – one for each of the other variations.
Anyone interested? Newbies welcome! If you can knit, purl, cast-on, and bind-off, you can do this. I will send you the pattern (it is eventually going to be a $3 ebook download, but I’ll send it to you for free) and you can give it a try, and tell me if you find anything amiss in the instructions. These headbands take me roughly 2 nights in front of the tv, maybe 4 hours total, and I’m not a particularly fast knitter.
I’m also super impatient and eager to get this pattern posted for sale, so if you want to help me out with testing, you need to be able to finish by sometime this coming weekend (Sunday, January 27th at the latest). If that’s do-able for you, leave a comment or send me email. You’ll need bulky yarn (I used Valley Yarns Berkshire Bulky) and #10 straight needles. First-come, first-served.
[UPDATE: I have all of the testers I need – thank you!!]
I appreciate the help!
Loom knitters, I haven’t forgotten you, either! I initially planned to include a loom version in this pattern, but I’ve decided to hold-off on that. Instead, I plan to write up a blog post soon and record a video explaining how I translate needle-knit patterns to loom-knit patterns, and I’ll use this headband as an example. Stay tuned for that.
I’m off to finish the last variation so I can start taking some glamour shots for the eBook cover. Fun!
Sure Lisa, I will be a beta tester for you. I love having multiple projects going.
Great! Which variation do you want: the simplest non-tapered one, or the one with the increases/decreases?
PS…I will do which ever rendition of the pattern you want and should have it done by Friday if ya get it to me fast enough
GMTA 🙂 Emailing you now.
Totally unrelated to your post, but…interested in coming down for Maryland Sheep & Wool this year? I know it’s way early (it’s not till the first weekend in May), but I didn’t want to make the same mistake as last year and wait too long — figured I should get it on your radar way in advance. 🙂
Anyway, if you do come down and need crash space, you’re welcome to our guest room.
Thanks! I have to give that some thought. Aidan and I went to Rhinebeck together last year and had a great time (he’s already asked if we can go again!). I definitely prefer looking at yarn-related stuff in the fall, as opposed to the spring, so if it has to be one or the other, I’m going to stick with Rhinebeck.
I think it’s going to depend on the job situation, finances, etc. Thanks for the invitation – I’ll mark my calendar and get back to you when the time gets closer.
I completely agree — I’ve thought about going to Rhinebeck, since it would be really nice to be able to wear my knitted sweaters to one of those things. But the MD one is much closer to me — it’s an easy day-trip rather than a 6-hour drive.
Hi, I’m new at knitting and if you want I would love to try it.
Thanks, Yanik, I emailed you!
I knit a lil but would love to know how to do a cable stitch. My aunt that taught me how passed away and so mooned else close by knows how. Right now I pretty much homebound due to chemo so can get out to go buy directions thought maybe I could buy from you. Stir crazy is what I battling also! Thank you patti
When I have the pattern ready, I will definitely post about it here, so you will be welcome to buy a copy! I’m not planning to do a full-blown tutorial on cables, although I will explain briefly how to do the one particular cable that is needed for the headband. I’ll try to include links to helpful videos, etc.
I feel for you, being homebound and stir crazy! I hope you are healthy, out and about before too long 🙂
I dont know how to needle knit, so i cant wait for the loom knit version!
Knowing that you’re waiting for it helps to give me a little push in the right direction, so thanks for speaking up 🙂
I really want one of these! I see people wear them and they are so cute!
I made a similar one for my sister-in-law, and she looks really cute in it.
I can do the newbie version since i’m yet not so confident abt cables. I have king cole’s maxi lite yarn that needs 10mm needles.
I have all of the testers I need now, but thanks anyway!
I would love to test this for you! I’m not very good at reading a pattern, so I could test the level of writing for a non-pattern reader too. 🙂
I have wanted to make my daughter several of these (I get tired of seeing her same one all the time), but haven’t been able to figure them out without a pattern. I would be happy to post about the headband & pattern on my blog as well.
Thanks for the offer, but I managed to get all of the testers I need!
How cute and I look forward to seeing your finished pattern 🙂
Thank you 🙂 Soon, I hope!
Have looms will knit if you want a test for the loom knit version! I was too early, and too late for the needle knit one! oops!
Thanks for the offer. I’m struggling a bit with the fact that the most readily-available looms (Knifty Knitters) work up the pattern in a larger gauge than I had in mind. I’ve tried the blue KK and one of the long looms. The long loom was better, but still not great. I’m considering trying a Martha Stewart loom, but I wonder if making the pattern so specific to one type of loom is going to make it less appealing to a significant number of loomers.
In your experience, do you find it better to cater to the KK crowd, or are there enough people out there with a variety of looms in a number of sizes to make it worthwhile to write a non-gigantic-gauge pattern?
The Martha Stewart loom set is gaining ground, and is VERY nice. Incidentally using the small pegs it is the EXACT same gauge as the new All in One Loom from Authentic Knitting Board which is also gaining ground since it is available at Joann’s So I really use those two as my go to looms at this point. My books catered to the Knifty Knitter crowd but that was what was mainly available at the time.. When I write another one I will definitely go with the Martha Stewart loom.
EXCELLENT. There is a MS loom in my Amazon shopping cart as we speak 🙂 Thanks!