It’s raining hearts. Happy Valentine’s Day 🙂
I sat down at the computer this evening to respond to comments and put the finishing touches on the next button-making lesson (read: write the whole thing, ahem.) but before I had a chance, my thoughts turned to fashion.
I’ve been thinking about gauzy, light-weight, brightly-colored scarves lately. I’ve seen some great ones online, but I think I can make my own just as easily, with the right fabric and a dye bath. So I did a little fabric shopping. I’ve got a nice supply of dyes already, so I’m all set once the fabric gets here.
And then my mind wandered over to a pair of shoes I’ve had my eye on. Someone I know wears these brown maryjane clogs that I think are so great-looking, especially with interesting socks. I’ve never asked her what kind of shoes they were, but I started looking online for something similar. Not being someone who can talk herself into spending upwards of $100 on a pair of shoes, I headed to eBay first. I bid on a pair (hope I win!) but before I did, I popped in to some of the popular shoe shops on the internet. I keep trying, but they’re still too rich for my blood.
So one thought led to another, and I found myself searching out affiliate programs to join. I applied to a handful of shops, despite knowing I will likely be rejected – the bigger stores don’t tend to accept applications from small sites like mine. The revenue potential I represent to them is likely a teeny tiny drop in a very big bucket. Still… what can it hurt, right?
Anywho, all of this took well over an hour, and while fun, it has sort of drained me of any interest in being on the computer. I just can’t face the work I sat down to do in the first place. So I’m quitting for the night, and the button tutorial will be late on Monday. I envision myself sitting down to it with a cup of steaming coffee in hand, right after I return from dropping the kids off at school tomorrow. If I stick to it, you’ll have the next lesson before lunch time. If my fifteen-second attention span kicks in, though, I might spend the morning editing my 365 photo, posting to Flickr, checking in on Facebook, perusing my email, and redesigning one of my online shops before my laptop battery runs out, and I give up to go hop in the shower and then grab some lunch while my battery recharges. In that case, it will be roughly 1:45pm before I slap my hand to my head and say, “oh! I was supposed to write a tutorial today!”
Not that something like that ever happens to me…. no, never!
🙂 Thanks for being patient with me and my online ADD.
We’ll live. Hopefully I’ll BAKE the buttons I made from last Monday’s tutorial by the time you post the next 😉
I’m surprised you’re following along! You know just as much as I do about this stuff 🙂
I’m following along because it’s a good kick in the butt to work on that, specifically. I haven’t made very many buttons!
Sometimes company is good 🙂
Sweet photo! Happy Valentines Day!
Thank you 🙂 Same to you!
My crafting ADD is pretty bad, so I don’t blame you one bit!
Heh. I’m sure we are not alone in this affliction. I should start a poll 😀