I’m so glad to have an easy blog post to write today. I’m up to my eyeballs in weekend prep – I’m heading to South Jersey again this year to clay it up with the Polyaddicts. It’s always a fun time, but since I go both as a participant and as a book store owner, packing can sometimes be a real pain. (Did I say “sometimes?” I meant “always.”)
Anyway, I’m blogging while I enjoy a bagel sandwich for lunch, and then it’s back to figuring out what I need to bring with me, and gettin ‘er done!
So it’s more Picture Winter today. For those who may be new here, PW is an online class taught by Tracey Clark. Each day during the month of January, we are given a prompt, along with a sample image and a full description. There is a lot of room for interpretation within each prompts, which makes the process of seeking out an image a bit of a challenge, and also a lot of fun.
Here are my PW photos for the week, along with the names of the prompts:
Day 8 – Texture seekers
Day 9 – Bundle up (I liked this one enough to make it my new blog header)
Day 10 – Seeking balance
Day 11 – Warm your heart
Day 12 – Signs of life
Day 13 – Controlled chaos
Day 14 – Beyond the chill
Well, I guess my break is over. Time to pack. I really enjoy my few days away, but I could do without the prep work. And the travel. Under normal circumstances,I am not a nervous driver at all. But anticipating two hours on the highway in sub-freezing temperatures does tend to make me anxious. I have a much too vivid imagination when it comes to icy road conditions. Oh, I’d be a much happier traveler if the Clayathon were in June instead of January!!
I do love your blog header. It just looks so cozy.