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WoFW: Wednesday

For Week of Few Words.  I really lost my focus today.  I can’t seem to get the idea of making a particular hat out of my head.  All I can think about is the yarn I want to buy, and the fine-gauge loom I’d need to really do it right.  I barely managed to tear myself away for the time it took to:

Pack orders.

Shipping supplies gathered

Bring A to E’s school so he could read to E’s class.

Son #1 reading to son #2's class

Ship orders.

Orders packed and shipped

Oh, ok.  So I gave in to the yarn thing.  I had 45 minutes to kill while taxiing a child around, and a yarn shop nearby 😀

Peer pressure being victorious

Tomorrow will be more productive.  Really.


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Posted on 4 Comments

4 thoughts on “WoFW: Wednesday

  1. Why is it we always want to do something that requires something we don’t already have??? I guess it’s the challenge. No challenge = no fun.
    But that *IS* some lovely yarn……!! 😀

    See what Alisa R. has been blogging about: Beautiful Word Cloud

  2. Good thing you’re only making small things — the one time I used Malabrigo, I had trouble because the skeins did not have the same shade even though they were the same dye lot, so the finished sweater looked weird. Just a cautionary note if you should ever start doing projects that require multiple skeins in the future: hand-dyed yarn is notorious for not being consistent even when the dye lots are the same.

  3. New blog post: WoFW: Wednesday

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