I sent of my contribution to the Sweet & Sinister Swap yesterday and got this box in return. It was stuffed to the gills with neat things – things that I enjoyed opening and looking at, and decorating my house with. Handmade things. The aesthetic is so different than that of the box I sent in, that I really hope my partner likes it. I didn’t get to make as many things as I had hoped to, and I’m afraid my contribution looks a little skimpy in comparison to what I received. What is that they say? Less is more?
Ginny, if you’re reading this, thank you so much – I love everything! And I hope you enjoy what I sent you.
We went on a class trip this morning. Pumpkin picking and a hay ride. Somebody got a little dirty… I’d love to chat all about it, and tell you about my trip to Super Suppers last night, but I need a nap. I haven’t been sleeping well the last two nights, and I may doze off right here right now. All I need to do is find something to occupy the Little Cherub. Right now he’s leaning his chin on my arm trying out different ways to say the word “pickle” and that just won’t do
Am I the only person who doesn’t have loads of cool Halloween stuff in ym house? Dang!
If it wasn’t for this swap, I’d have nothing! I’ve never been big on decorating for Halloween, actually, although I love decorating for fall in general. I like pumpkin and gourd decor, but could do without jack-o-lanterns and ghouls.
I’ll be interested to hear about Super Suppers. As you may remember, Ray and I are big fans of a similar company (Let’s Dish!).
Yeah, I was thinking about our old conversation at the Polka Dot Cottage. I thought it was a great experience, and assuming we like all of the stuff in our freezer, it will be money well spent. We’ve had a Tuscan Chicken dish that was good, and a meatloaf that smelled better than it tasted. I’m currently looking for an alternate way to cook the second portion I still have frozen, since the meatloaf format just doesn’t do a lot for us.
Just read one of your old posts about fabric and an overabundance of…
Don’t despair, I discovered it makes great wrapping paper- esp. with some of the silk flowers I have way too many of, dust collectors , all of them.
Secretly hoping this gives you a good reason to keep a little more! jude
That’s a nice idea. I’ll have to file that one away for the next gift-giving occasion 🙂